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2011-1004 Special City Commission Meeting
City Clerk
City Commission Minutes
2011-1004 Special City Commission Meeting
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Last modified
10/25/2011 10:21:09 AM
Creation date
10/25/2011 10:21:05 AM
CityClerk-City Commission
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<br />Summary Minutes: Special City Commission Meeting <br /> <br />October 4, 2011 <br /> <br />Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />structure altogether. City Manager Cohen said that he is correct that they have not done <br />anything else in the City but they do have a very similar project in A ventura which went <br />through the process, they did very well, it is 100% sold out, it is still doing very well, and so <br />there is a track record for this entity. <br /> <br />Commissioner Scholl said it is a lot different deal then if we are holding the mortgage, we <br />own the land, they are going to put improvements on it, and if they default, they default and <br />we have improved land. It is a real estate deal and it is reasonably sophisticated, and he <br />understands that, and they are taking a certain amount of risk by giving us the front-up money <br />but still end up leasing the land. He doesn't feel that we have the exposure from an economic <br />perspective. Mayor Ede1cup said there is always a risk, you are waiting for your final payoff. <br />Commissioner Scholl said he thinks the risk is a timing risk more than an economic risk, <br />given the structure of the deal, we will always get paid eventually. Commissioner Aelion does <br />not agree, we will get paid if and when the financial institution that they seek financing from <br />is going to be the first creditors. City Attorney Ottinot said they advised us that they are self- <br />financing by selling the condos, and in meeting with the developer, they have advised us that <br />they are not going to use the traditional lender in this project. They indicated that they will on <br />behalf of investors that will basically finance the project and that the traditional way of <br />financing would not apply, however, we would also have some oversight on documents and <br />requirements that they have. <br /> <br />Mayor Ede1cup said he thinks the Commissioner's point is the next in line buyer because the <br />developer is selling the property as a condo and when the condo unit gets sold it will have <br />financing but that financing is really subordinate to our rent but there will be a lender involved <br />two steps down. Commissioner Scholl said the important thing is that our collateral has <br />nothing to do with their rent, and he asked City Attorney Ottinot to explain what would <br />happen if they stopped paying rent. City Attorney Ottinot said if they stop paying rent we can <br />foreclose on the property and take over, obviously if the project is constructed and there is a <br />condo association, we would have to deal with the existing tenant on that site but we would <br />basically take, we own the land on this lease. Commissioner Aelion said then that all monies <br />owed until that point would be forfeited, and City Attorney Ottinot said yes, we have a right to <br />default, there is a default provision in the lease to protect the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Edelcup noted that at the beginning of the meeting the Commission was handed a <br />Letter ofIntent from Dezer Development, LLC, and asked how we would handle it, and City <br />Attorney Ottinot said it is up to the Commission if they want to discuss it. Mayor Edelcup <br />asked the City Attorney to remind the Commission of our legal status, and City Attorney <br />Ottinot said that Warren Stamm is here to make a presentation, and as a reminder when we <br />approved the last updated Letter of Intent we had agreed not to negotiate with another party <br />with respect to the Alamo property at 18080 Collins A venue, but nevertheless Mr. Stamm can <br />speak to the Commission. <br /> <br />Warren Stamm, on behalf of Dezer Development, LLC, and the Dezer Companies, said he <br />provided the Commission with a Letter ofIntent setting forth the terms and conditions upon <br />which Dezer Development is prepared to purchase the City site located at 18080 Collins <br />A venue, under what are very favorable financial and development conditions that benefit the <br /> <br />4 <br />
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