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<br />Summary Minutes: Special City Commission Meeting February 8, 2008 <br /> <br />reinforcing her feelings hecause eVen though she felt fairly secure in her decision it Was very <br />nice to have it justified by all the facts that he presented today, and she thanked City Attorney <br />Ottinot as well for a job well done. <br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Thaler thanked Mr. Calloway for an excellent presentation. He said one poin~ <br />and it was broUght out on Commissioner Scholl's question as to the cost of the City itself, and <br />the time that has not been mentioned yet of OUr key people in OUr Legal Departmeot. He said <br />the total cost is in eXcess of your $50,000 that Was left over on the oumber. In goiog through <br />all the oumbers he Comes up very close to the numbers that Mr. Calloway laid out and then <br />including going forward, if we Were to go forward, and also have the additional challenges <br />and there is no question in his mind that the $7 Million Dollars is a very good settlement for <br />the City to take at this point, and therefore we will be able to move on and utilize the efforts of <br />both the Commission and our attorneys in new and additional projects. <br /> <br />Commissioner Goodman thanked Mr. Calloway for his excellent presentation, and he also <br />feels that it is a good settlement, it took a long time, and he congratulated staff, but the only <br />thing he questions is the $336,000.00 in reference to the City when they say they reduced the <br />fines to 10% and he doesn't feel that is fair or reasonable because when people get summons <br />and they ignore them, and by reducing the fines it causes difficulty for other people who obey <br />the law, so this number was put down and it becomes part of this agreement, and that is the <br />part that he thinks needs lOOking at in the future. He said he agrees to the agreement, he <br />thinks it is a fair agreement, the presentation was excellent, he learned a lot from it. <br /> <br />Mayor Edelcup said he is very pleased with the proposed settlement, it has been a long time, it <br />has been an arduous four years, and certainly We and Mr. Katz needs to put this behind us, and <br />if We were to continue this in court more likely or not we would still be here years from now <br />under some appeal process that neither We or he would have initiated, and time and money, <br />interest, and labor of all of our people would have been involved in really a fruitless adventure <br />to satisI)> OUr ego or his ego, and he feels that We have finally arrived at a figure that he <br />believes is fair and just for all parties. He said in reference, when We bOUght the Galbutt <br />property which today is Heri tage Park, we paid approXimately the same per acre for that as we <br />are now paying per acre for this, and in his background when he Was trying to come up with a <br />number for settlement he Was using that as a benchmark which he doesn't think the appraisers <br />had factored in because it came after the fact, and so in total in settling all these other issues <br />are minor points in the greater good for both Parties and he has no problem in reCOmmending <br />that We move forward and make this an official acceptance for this proposal. <br /> <br />3B. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving a <br />Settlement in the Case of City of Sunny Isles Beach vs.18100 Collins Avenue Shopping <br />Center, Ltd. Et. AI., Case No. 04-12891CA 10; Providing for the City Manager and the <br />City Attorney with the Authority to Do All Necessary Things to Effectuate this Resolution; <br />Providing for an Effective Date. <br /> <br />Action: City Clerk Hines read the title. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Thaler said that there was a oote aod a letter sent out with two colors 00 it, is <br />there a palette that has been established, or how do we establish the colors, aod City Attorney <br /> <br />5 <br />