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<br />Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting November 17,2011 <br /> <br />Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />and Porsche Design have produced a magnificent building that is compatible with its <br />neighbors. This project does not trigger variances, you are strictly considering it for site plan <br />approval. He said it is important to note that the design of the building is permitted based <br />upon the recently approved Code Amendment regulating height and setback in an effort to be <br />compatible with its neighbors. He said this circular design of the building preserves the <br />important view corridors from the Millennium. They met with Board Members of the <br />Millennium yesterday to explain the Site Plan to them, and they addressed their concerns. It is <br />important to note that the City is also obtaining a substantial financial benefit here based upon <br />the applicant's utilization of the FAR Bonuses, and the purchase from the City's TDR Bank. <br />The total amount is just over $4 Million, and they are also donating land proffering as a <br />mitigation to give the City more open space and a park. Based upon the foregoing, they are <br />requesting approval ofthe Site Plan and acceptance of their proffer oftheir property as a park. <br /> <br />Roland Hyler ofPorsche Design said he is proud to work with the Dezer family, the building <br />itself is a clear statement of their brand, and also of the expertise of the Dezer family to put a <br />project like this together. From a designer's point of view and from a brand point of view <br />they chose a very simple shape, a circular cylindrical shape, why, because they want this <br />building to still look good 20 years from now. In their portfolio of products you will find that <br />timeless design is one of the key elements ofPorsche Design products, whether it is a watch, a <br />writing instrument, fashion, or luggage. They are very excited about this project because they <br />have been working on it for four (4) years. From a luxurious point of view this is going to be <br />a highlight in the area, not only in Florida but also in the United States. <br /> <br />Charles Sieger of Sieger Suarez Architectural Partnership, said they have been involved in <br />either the designing or building of 17 buildings in Sunny Isles Beach, including Ocean I, II, <br />III, IV, the Trump Royale, the Trump Palace, Trump International, and the Pinnacle. He said <br />this project is very unique in that Gil Dezer had the wherewithal and the foresight to put a <br />team together to produce this building, it is really incredible. Porsche Design is from the <br />famous Porshe family but they brought in another company named WOHR who deal in <br />robotic parking garages that have been in Europe for 25 years, and in turn Otis Elevator was <br />brought in through United Technologies to team up with WOHR to produce a unique parking <br />garage which is within the center ofthis building that will park your car automatically while <br />you are in it. He showed a model and renderings of the proposed building and he noted that it <br />is 95% glass. He said Porsche Design is noted for doing very clean, very slick, very elegant <br />buildings, and the team got together and worked on this for four (4) years. It is cylindrical, the <br />balconies are recessed and are about 15 to 16 feet deep, the FAA has approved them for 649 <br />feet above mean sea level, and approximately 641 feet from the sidewalk. In terms of height, <br />the Zoning application talks about without TDRs and with TDRs, the only change that takes <br />place is the number of floors at the top of the building, and he interchanged the top of the <br />model with and without TDRs. The difference is strictly added height, there are no changes to <br />the garage, the lobby, the spa, or anything else. The average unit size in this building <br />approaches 3,800 feet, and there is a unit that approaches 10,000 feet at the top floors, and <br />about 65% of the units have their own private swimming pool. He also noted that DEP has <br />reviewed their sand cutting, and the disposition of the sand back onto the site and that has <br />been approved, which is a question that Alex David had on Condition #22, and so they have <br />no problem with adding that condition. <br /> <br />3 <br />