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ZURQUI <br />Construction Services, Inc PHONE &FAX PROJECT MANAGER I EMAIL <br />+305- 221 -6100 Eddy Gonzales Jr <br />+305- 221 -6110 Eddy <br />GREAT' AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY0 <br />Administrative Office: 301 E 4TH STREET ® CINCINNATI, 01110 45202 ® 513 -369 -6000 0 FAX 513 - 723-.2740 <br />The number of persons authorized by <br />this power of attorney is not more than ONE <br />No. 0 19968 <br />POWER Ot: AT'I'ORNEV <br />KNOW ALT, MEN Bl" 1'11ESE PRESENTS: "That the GREAT' AMfiRIC'AN INSUI2ANC'E COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under <br />and by virtue orate laws of the State of Ohio, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint the person or persons named below, each individually Willow than <br />one is named, its true and lawful attorney -in -fact, for it and in its name• place and stead to execute on behalf of the said Company, as surely, any and all bonds, <br />undertakings Reid contracts of suretyship, or other written obligations in [lie nature thereof, provided that the liability of the said Company on any such bond, <br />undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall not exceed the limit stated below. <br />Name Address Limit of Power <br />MICHAEL BONET OF MIAMI, FLORIDA $75,000.000. <br />This Power ofAttomey revokes all previous powers Issued on behalf of the attorney(s)- in-fact named above. <br />IN WITNESS WI II;RI :OF the GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE C COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed and attested by its appropriate <br />ollicers and its corporate seal hereunto affixed this 25TH day of JANUARY 2010 <br />Attest CAWNI'AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY <br />dtsitlnm Serrvrtl! 1 Dirisiaanl Seaiw Vice Pretu/ent <br />S "FATE 01: 01110. COUNTY OF 11ANI I I ON - ss: DAVID c KITC111N (s77 "377.2405) <br />On this 25TH day of JANUARY 2010 , before me perswVally appeared DAVID C. Kll'CIiIN, to me <br />known, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides in Cincinnati. Ohio, that he is a Divisional Senior Vice Presider of the Bond Division or Great <br />Annerican Insurance Company, the Company described in and which executed the above dnstrunient; that he knows the seal critic said ('onilmmy; that the seal <br />anixcd to the said instnlmer is such corporate seal; dial it was so anixed by authority orhis onicc under the By -Laws ofsaid Company, and that lie signed his <br />name thereto by like authority. <br />KAREN L. GR OF O . r/ e - • <br />NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE ATE Of OHIO i><1.RAi1'vl <br />MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 02 -20.16 <br />"I'his Pot, er ofAitorncy is granted by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Great American Insurance Company <br />by unanimous written consent dated June 9. 2008. <br />RESOLVI. . That the /Divisional President, the several INvisiona/ Selrior lice• /'residents. Divisional Out, Presidents cold /Jivisulia/ Assis•turli 1 ice <br />Piesit/ents, or rein• one of then, he will hercbr is tnithol•i_ctt j'onr time• to tittle. to appoint one or more atorners -in- /•Tact to execute on behaljtif the C cnnpann"t: <br />as snur(v. ally and till hondc, tau e' I(Ikings antd conno•uctc glsto."It /op. or other ivrilten ohl/gatians in the natloe thercq/; to pi- excribe their respective duties told <br />the I-espec•live limits of their anithoritY. and to rnvoke anY such appointment (it on.t• time. <br />RESO /. That the Cumptuw seal will the signet re of atq• q/ the nfiIresuitl o icers and ar {r seemigo•r or Asristanl Secretury q/ the <br />Colnptcor nrar he (i ixed hrJilcsinrile to tars power ofutturnt.r or certi/icare q /either given fir the execution qfo nv bont tnndertaking. contract ofsurervship. <br />or other tr7"iaen ohligulion in the ntanar themof, such slgnoli re and sea/ Irhe•n so used being he•reln• utlopteel by the C'uutpalry as the original signatiox, uJ "sitc•h <br />officer and the original seal ofthe Contpwlr.v. to he va lid tart/ binding upo t the Conipcup• with the same• force turd e i ei us though manually "(fixed. <br />[of x till III I III r"1141OW <br />I, S'1'EPIIEN C. BERAI IA, Assislaw Secretary of Grcal Amcricaii Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power ol-Allonney and <br />the Resolutions of the Board of Directors of June 9. 2008 have not been revoked and are now in full force and effect. <br />Signed and scaled this / Q' clay of A1006M b ydv - 610 11 <br />S1029AC (4/11) <br />: b-sisrunr 5'rrr>:• <rr,7 <br />