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2010-0218 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2010-0218 Regular City Commission Meeting
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Commission Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting February 18, 2010 City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />if an employee received a huge bill will the insurance company cover it, and Mr. Hollander <br />said yes, it is unlimited. Mayor Edelcup asked if we are doing everything we can to educate <br />the employees to help keep our costs and loss ratio lower, and Mr. Hollander said we have <br />wellness programs, an annual health fair, and the next step will be an open - enrollment <br />process where they can make any changes needed. <br />Mayor Edelcup said that the cover memo from Mr. Haag states that we are going to be with <br />Brown and Brown to discuss a possible reduction in their commission fee, and Mr. Hollander <br />said that their commission is a standard 6% that the carriers pay, we have about 200 <br />employees here and historically 200 is not the area where we get into those kind of <br />negotiations, the carriers allow us to do that at 500, and the carriers are more receptive to us <br />doing that but he will talk with Mr. Haag. Mayor Edelcup said what if the City would jointly <br />petition for insurance with Aventura or Surfside, or get up to 500 employees by group <br />purchase would we all gain by that, and Mr. Hollander said it is not always the size, it <br />depends on what you are dealing with and loss experience, but you have to have a common <br />employer. Mayor Edelcup said he is sure the attorneys in the respective cities can come up <br />with something. Commissioner Scholl said under the last health bill, the way it was drafted, <br />we could actually end up paying more because our plan could be considered a premium plan. <br />Vice Mayor Thaler moved and Commissioner Brezin seconded a motion to approve the <br />resolution. Resolution No. 2010 -1529 was adopted by a voice vote of 5 -0 in favor. <br />10E. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving <br />the First Addendum to Agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc. (ATS) to <br />Provide Collection Services for All Photo Enforcement Violations Remaining Unpaid, <br />Attached Hereto as Exhibit "A "; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said First <br />Amendment to Agreement and to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; <br />Providing for an Effective Date. <br />Action: City Clerk Hines read the title, and Assistant City Manager /Finance Doug Haag <br />reported noting that ATS would keep 30% of what they actually collect. <br />Public Speakers: none <br />Mayor Edelcup suggested for discussion to consider modifying our policy as it relates to the <br />red light and all the people that are being ticketed for making a right turn without coming to a <br />full stop. When we put the red light program into effect, we were trying to prohibit cars from <br />going straight through on a red light but we are ticketing many people who are doing a <br />rolling turn on a red. He said the law requires people to come to a stop but for years we have <br />all been educated that you can make a right turn on a red. He would like to discuss two <br />possibilities: 1) Don't ticket on a rolling red; or 2) Put a sign up on that corner advising <br />people that they will be ticketed if they make a right turn on a red before coming to a full <br />stop first. Vice Mayor Thaler said he thought we had ordered signs and he thought we had <br />established a rolling stop at 12 MPH, and City Manager Conner said you are correct on both <br />issues, we have ordered signs but they say "no right turn on red when pedestrian is in <br />crosswalk ", and there is a rolling limit, if the vehicle is going 12 MPH or faster rolling <br />through the intersection then it enters into the system. Mayor Edelcup said we established <br />the 12 MPH, how does the public know this unless it is posted, and so unless we go back and <br />4 <br />
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