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Minutes, City Commission Regular Meeting 7 <br />of August 21, 1997 <br />Mr. Steven Lesnick, a business owner at 255 Sunny Isles Boulevard, indicated another <br />survey has been commissioned by the Florida Department of Transportation, which <br />should be completed by the month end. At that time they will provide further <br />suggestions. The Police Department is also suggesting a speed limit of 30 MPH and <br />pavement marking. Further suggestions are forthcoming with respect to the speed limit <br />at the bridge descent. <br />Mrs. Bonnie Kleper, Intracoastal Towers, emphasized the need for law enforcement <br />visibility. <br />Commissioner Iglesias felt it is more a matter of enforcement than signage. Because of <br />the bridge design, it almost encourages speeding. He was interested in hearing what is <br />ultimately recommended by the Florida Department of Transportation. Mayor Samson <br />thought that in the future, the City might consider hiring off -duty police officers to patrol <br />the streets. <br />After a general discussion amongst the Commission and the public, the Mayor was <br />authorized to pursue a speed limit of 35 MPH and the posting of same. MOTION: <br />Commissioner Morrow, SECOND: Vice Mayor Turetsky. Unanimous vote of 3 -0, with <br />Commissioner Iglesias abstaining. A memorandum of voting conflict filed by <br />Commissioner Iglesias is attached. <br />1) Discussion about possible alternative courses of action with respect to <br />immediate financial status of Sunny Isles Beach (Mayor Samson) <br />In the event for whatever reason money is not forthcoming from the County at the <br />present time, Mayor Samson requested authorization to borrow up to $100,000 for <br />operation of this government from a bank on a temporary basis until revenue is <br />received from the County. MOTION: Vice Mayor Turetsky; SECOND: Commissioner <br />Morrow. Unanimous vote of 4 -0. <br />During discussion of the above motion, public comment was received from Mr. Harold <br />Hershoff, 100 Bayview Drive, relating to the interest rate. <br />2) Discussion of city seal (logo) (Mayor Samson) <br />Mayor Samson introduced Charles Watsburg and presented a proposed city seal <br />design for the Commission's consideration. <br />After public comment from Mrs. Ellen Wynn of 272 -189 Terrace, Mrs. Kathleen <br />Kennedy of Plaza of the Americas, and Mrs. Bonnie Kleper of Intracoastal Towers, <br />