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2012-0920 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2012-0920 Regular City Commission Meeting
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting September 20,2012 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> and this is for boat use, no water craft, and no jet skis. If this is approved tonight, the <br /> Applicant applied to have the Commission approve as a conditional use as part of this <br /> application, and so they are not required to come back to the Commission for additional <br /> approval with respect to this marina. If they try to expand their use to have a jet ski facility, <br /> they would have to come back to this Commission. This marina is for boat slips and boat <br /> storage, no other use is permitted. <br /> Commissioner Scholl said then that there are no fuel docks, no service base, they are not <br /> going to work on engines there,and it is basically just a dry storage facility and Mr. Karp said <br /> that is correct. Commissioner Scholl asked if there will be any boat slips besides the dry <br /> storage facility, and Ms. Dannheisser responded there will be 90 storage slips, 36 wet slips, <br /> and 7 for dry storage staging. The marina is there now and they are utilizing the current <br /> spaces exactly as they are but they are going to enclose that area. Part of what they are trying <br /> to do here in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan is to activate the street and <br /> create pedestrian activity and generate redevelopment. The marina will be visually available <br /> to pedestrians to watch the operation of the marina. <br /> City Attorney Ottinot said that this Commission has a right to ensure that the marina and boat <br /> storage is used for that purpose and it cannot be ajet ski or a watercraft launching facility. He <br /> further added you can impose these conditions upon this approval. Vice Mayor Thaler said he <br /> thought that is what we had before but all of a sudden, one popped up. <br /> Commissioner Aelion asked how close is the north side of the building to the highway, and <br /> Mr. Karp said they have a setback from the property line of about 25-30 feet. Commissioner <br /> Aelion asked what the noise impact is for the residents living there, and Mr. Karp said when <br /> the people come down the concrete and where the metal is on top of the bridge,that is what it <br /> is. He said their glazing and glass are for hurricanes which are to meet the new Code. It is <br /> very much sound proof for the condominium owners. <br /> Mayor Edelcup asked him to discuss the baywalk, and Mr. Karp said the baywalk is <br /> specifically a continuation which currently commences all the way under the bridge and to the <br /> Park. It goes all the way around to the Park and comes all the way around to the water and <br /> sewer treatment area. Mayor Edelcup asked how wide that would be, and Mr. Karp said ten <br /> (10) feet with chairs and lights, etc. Ms. Dannheisser said there is access from both sides. <br /> Mayor Edelcup said that he just wanted to make sure for the handicapped people that benches <br /> are far enough away so there is a clearance in between. <br /> City Attorney Ottinot said to Ms. Dannheisser that she needs to inform the Commission that <br /> her client made a proffer in terms of a water facility. Ms. Dannheisser said they are located <br /> right next to the WASA site, and she knows that the City wants to clean that up,and so does <br /> her client. Therefore, they are willing to create, construct and design a landscape façade <br /> around the WASA site. They have also offered to demolish the water storage tank and their <br /> only concern is whether or not DERM is going to give them some issue relating to permitting. <br /> If that is the case they may come back to the Commission. They are going to try to do this <br /> within the first year or two, and if necessary they will come back for the Commission's <br /> assistance. If for some reason they are not able to accomplish it, they are willing to proffer <br /> $150,000 to the City in order for the City to do it. Obviously,it is in their best interest as well <br /> to beautify that site. <br /> 4 <br />
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