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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting September 20,2012 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> Commissioner Gatto said she believes that it is important because of the nature of the project, <br /> it is for the community and we have a moral obligation to look at it differently and so she also <br /> supports the variance. <br /> Mayor Edelcup said he believes that they will be using the facility seven days a week, and <br /> people will be coming by car to use the facilities,there will be teachers,people working in the <br /> kitchen, servers, guests, and members that don't live in our City who will all be arriving by <br /> car. In reading our own staff report. for the social hall there is a requirement of 68 spaces, <br /> there is a requirement of 11 spaces for classrooms and there appears to be at least 20 spaces <br /> for the restaurant, over and above the 98. Our Code says we can have common use and <br /> therefore not have to count and aggregate them all, but we can take that with the highest use, <br /> but even if he took the one with the second highest use which is the social hall and give you <br /> credit for the house of worship,you don't have to have 98 but for the social hall you still have <br /> 68 and 68 is still a lot more than the 22 spaces. The City passed an Ordinance a couple of <br /> years ago that was trying to treat all people equally,and that Ordinance provided for purchases <br /> of parking where parking was not available on the site because of hardship. Even in that <br /> Ordinance, the City said that you can only buy down 25%of the unit as opposed to what you <br /> are asking us to waive which is close to 75%. This City already entered into a transaction for <br /> such a buy down and established a price of$11.000 a unit. That to him is the starting point <br /> from where we are at, he is not opposed to having a discount from that $14,000 but he <br /> certainly needs to recognize and uphold the laws that we have passed. This provides for at <br /> least some recognition that 76 parking spaces need to be provided in this City. He knows that <br /> at some time there will be an event where more than 76 cars will be there because it is going <br /> to be a very successful and beautiful place and many members are going to want to be there. <br /> It would be derelict on the part of the City to assume that everyone is going to walk there or <br /> conversely that we should put the burden on other taxpayers to pay for the fact that we didn't <br /> require a property owner to purchase some buy-down of parking. Initially there was a buy- <br /> down offered that was withdrawn, and to him that was not an act in good faith. <br /> Rabbi Kaller responded that he agrees with many of the things that Mayor Edelcup said but <br /> for those times when the social hall will be used. there will be nothing going on at the <br /> sanctuary. These things are mutually exclusive. Mayor Edelcup said when there is something <br /> at the social hall they may come by car, and our requirement for the social hall says that you <br /> must provide 68 spaces, and he is willing to see some sort of compromise here. Rabbi Kaller <br /> said they have 22 spaces on site, there is an existing municipal parking lot right there that is <br /> virtually deserted, it is not used by anyone, and there are 26 spaces there. As their attorney <br /> has calculated and they have measured the area underneath the bridge, just like you have <br /> parking underneath the bridge next to Marco Polo before the garage was erected there. We <br /> have approximately 40 spaces that could be added underneath the bridge, if you add 22 & 26 <br /> you have 48 plus 40 is 88, that is very close on site within five yards. Mayor Edelcup said <br /> those spaces under the bridge are not solely for you,and Rabbi Kaller said he understands but <br /> there is nobody else on this end of the City. Mayor Edelcup said we just passed a zoning <br /> resolution that has a building and a marina right next door to you, across from those same <br /> parking spaces. Rabbi Kaller said we will be parking there as there are meters there and it is <br /> City parking. In addition, we have a garage which the City is erecting with 313 spaces,and if <br /> there is ever an event at the social hall like a wedding,then a valet company will be hired and <br /> we will be utilizing the City garage which again will be paid for at the parking there. <br /> 9 <br />