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5) During each vacation accrual year, employees must actually work at least ninety <br /> percent of their normally scheduled time each pay period, not including time off for <br /> paid short-term absences, vacations, or holidays, in order for the pay period to count <br /> for vacation accrual purposes. <br /> 6) Employees who feel that there is a discrepancy in the calculation of their vacation <br /> pay or eligibility may request a review of that calculation by the Finance Department. <br /> 7) Vacation pay for eligible full-time and eligible part-time employees will consist of the <br /> employee's regular rate of pay for the vacation period and generally will be paid on <br /> the regularly scheduled payday. Employees who want to receive vacation pay before <br /> their vacation (advance pay) must submit a written request to the Finance <br /> Department at least two weeks, but not more than 30 days, before the vacation is <br /> scheduled to begin. <br /> 8) Generally, employees should submit vacation plans to their supervisor at least four <br /> weeks in advance of the requested vacation date (Police Department employees, <br /> follow that department's SOP.) Management reserves the right to designate when <br /> some or all vacations must be taken. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring <br /> adequate staffing levels and should attempt, when feasible, to resolve vacation <br /> scheduling conflicts based on length of service. However, employees who want to <br /> change their plans after the vacation schedule has been set lose their seniority <br /> consideration. <br /> 9) Employees on a leave of absence, other than a military leave of absence, are <br /> required to use accrued vacation and sick leave as part of the leave, as specified in <br /> Leaves of Absence, policy 704:1. In addition, employees on an authorized leave of <br /> absence who have no accrued time available will not accrue any new vacation time <br /> during the leave. <br /> 10) Vacations of less than half of a full work day (4 hours on an 8 hour schedule) <br /> generally will not be granted and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the <br /> Department Head and the City Manager for final approval. Vacations of more than <br /> two consecutive weeks require the approval of the City Manager. <br /> 11) Employees generally may not receive vacation pay in lieu of time off. In addition, <br /> employees will not be paid for any unused vacation remaining at the end of the <br /> vacation year. Up to three (3) years of accrued unused vacation may be carried over; <br /> any remaining unused vacation time will be forfeited. (Deviation from this policy <br /> requires approval of the City Manager.) <br /> 12) When employment is terminated, employees will receive vacation pay for up to three <br /> (3) years of unused vacation or eight hundred (800) hours, (whichever is greater) <br /> provided termination is not for disciplinary reasons. Vacation payment for accruals <br /> 504-2 Vacation Leave for Command Staff Page 3 of 4 <br /> 143 <br />