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Summary Minutes:Special City Commission Meeting January 8,2013 Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> pavers north of Jade Beach to the north boundary of Jade Ocean and so that is about 1,000 feet <br /> of pavers that will match the City's landscaping plan; 5) we will also have some sand, we <br /> have agreed to a condition that says that we will keep any sand that is excavated on the site, <br /> keep it on the site and make it available to the City and to Miami-Dade County DERM to <br /> determine where best to put it for beach renourishment. <br /> Jason Franzum,Architect,presented a 3D Model and a power point on the firm's background <br /> and of the project as well as other projects that they have done in the area including the Perez <br /> Art Museum Miami, and 1111 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, and Jade Signature brings a <br /> different level to the City. It is a rare opportunity to do a large and important project in direct <br /> proximity to the beach,this is really a unique opportunity for them as designers and something <br /> that will allow them to do a very strong project and a significant piece of architecture in the <br /> future. What distinguished this project was a commitment on behalf of the owner and <br /> developer to put the parking below ground in order to make a very fundamental change in this <br /> project which is the amenity space and the public space of the project would land directly on <br /> the ground connecting a strong relationship between the road, the City, and the beach. The <br /> site is north of Sands Pointe and south of Jade Beach, the architecture is valued by the <br /> developers and there is also an opportunity to do something really different. They paid <br /> attention to the views from the neighbors on the north and on the south which is key to them <br /> in the way they positioned the project. If they were to go east/west it would have blocked the <br /> views for their neighbors. Because of the way Sands Pointe is situated with their parking lot <br /> on the north end, there is a view corridor through which opens up, and so they oriented the <br /> project in parallelogram form which keeps the views for Jade Beach looking back towards the <br /> City and opens up the views from the south looking north maintaining those ocean views. It <br /> also had an added benefit, what the main goal of the project was, the space between Sands <br /> Pointe,the openness there where there is 250 feet,on the Jade Beach side we have significant <br /> space between the tower and our project. It also illustrates the connection of the ground. At <br /> the beach level they looked at the shade, by shifting the building they were able to gain a <br /> significant amount of additional sun by making a very simple move in the afternoon coming <br /> from the southwest. That is something that is both beneficial to our site where we want to <br /> activate the ground plane and have an active pool deck and the beach. The idea is to make <br /> that beach a real garden experience to have the pool there but also have it as appealing as <br /> possible for people walking by on the beach. They will work with natural vegetation as much <br /> as possible that is something that Raymond Jungles is bringing to the project. They wanted to <br /> create these pavilion forms that reach out to the street acknowledging what was happening on <br /> the interior and make a strong gesture to the City. The idea is to have a tower that lands on <br /> the ground in a garden and to have very lively and beautiful vegetation at the ground level on <br /> the property and on the street. Also we would have a sculptural driveway leading up into this <br /> active valet area,and the ground plan where they have the driveway aisle coming around and <br /> up to the valet area. They have public access which is 20 feet of their property combined with <br /> 20 feet from Jade Beach to make a 40-foot wide public access point. <br /> Clifford Schulman said that they went to their neighbors about the project. Sands Pointe does <br /> have a tremendous advantage because they have a separate parking garage,their tower is set <br /> back from our tower about 250 feet which is quite unusual in Sunny Isles Beach. They have <br /> had various meetings with Sands Pointe with both the old Board and the new Board and about <br /> 30 interested unit owners. We made some accommodations and mitigations to them, we <br /> 3 <br />