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number of acres contained in the subject parcel. Additionally, the City <br /> Manager and/or his designee shall review the bonus participation unit price <br /> set forth herein every two years. <br /> [5] Public oceanfront park and open space enhancements bonus. The floor area <br /> ratio shall be increased by 0.20 additional floor area ratio for developments <br /> that provide within the development site receiving the F.A.R. bonus <br /> publicly accessible open space, park and recreational facilities adjacent to <br /> and directly accessible from the public beach during daylight hours and <br /> constructed and maintained by the developer. The open space shall be <br /> designed, and improved to promote passive recreation (no active sports, <br /> cooking, music, or similar activities that may create noise or odor impacts <br /> external to the site) and children's play areas within generously landscaped <br /> park-like space not less than 10,000 square feet in area with a minimum <br /> dimension in depth measured perpendicular to Collins Avenue of 75 feet. <br /> The park area provided may be utilized exclusively by the development and <br /> on-site residents and visitors after daylight hours. <br /> [6] Educational and cultural infrastructure bonus. The floor area ratio shall be <br /> increased for developments that participate in the City's Educational and <br /> Cultural Infrastructure Trust Fund as established and administered by the <br /> City for the purposes of implementing public educational and infrastructure <br /> capital improvements. A bonus of 0.05 increase in the F.A.R. shall be <br /> granted for each participation unit contributed to the capital improvement <br /> fund designated for public educational and cultural capital improvements <br /> up to a maximum additional 0.20 F.A.R. bonus. A participation unit, for the <br /> purpose of the educational and cultural infrastructure bonus, shall be equal <br /> to $200.000 $100,000 and may be adjusted from time to time by the City <br /> Commission pursuant to a recommendation by the City Manager. <br /> Additionally, the City Manager and/or his designee shall review the bonus <br /> participation unit price set forth herein every two years. <br /> Section 3. Amendment to Section 265-36. <br /> E. Site development standards. <br /> (1) Floor area ratio. Except as provided herein below, the maximum floor area ratio <br /> shall be 2.0 for all uses. The floor area ratio may be increased only in accordance <br /> with the following bonus provisions and limitations and in accordance with the <br /> adopted Sunny Isles Beach Comprehensive Plan. <br /> (b) Sunny Isles Beach public parking bonus. The floor area ratios shall be <br /> increased for developments that participate in the City's Beach Public <br /> Ordinance Amending Sections 265-34,35.36 and 38 4 <br /> Words underlined are added.words stricken are deleted. <br />