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2 <br /> <br />A6. The City’s focus over the next 5-10 years will be on improving the quality of life for its <br />residents, many capital improvement projects currently in progress will allow the City to <br />achieve this. <br />Q7. Best in class competitors? Cities they aspire to be like? <br />A7. It is difficult to find a city that is as small as Sunny Isles Beach, with such a large <br />diversity, and with as many offerings for its residents as Sunny Isles Beach. However, local <br />competitors for our target market would include Coral Gables and Key Biscayne. <br />Q8. They mention showcasing that they want to be known as a inclusive and diverse <br />community. Are there current perceptions that are fighting that? <br /> A8. Yes, there are current misconceptions within the City and from outside media where the <br />City is oftentimes referred to as “Little Moscow”. Although there is a significant Eastern <br />European population in Sunny Isles Beach, the City is very diverse with significant portion of <br />residents from South America, as well as a segment from the northeast and Canada. <br />Q9. Once the brand identity is approved, will we hand off assets and guidelines? Or would <br />our team need to see all collateral through to mechanical production? How will this work in <br />terms of municipal signage, for example. <br />A9. Yes, the assets and guidelines would be handed off to the City for future use and <br />development of additional collateral. This RFP does not include the mechanical production of <br />future city assets such as municipal signage. <br />Q10. Are there existing specs for all of these collateral pieces? Are there current production <br />partners in place who execute everything? <br />A10. Yes, but this RFP will only focus on templates for various assets such as business <br />cards, brochures, flyers, letterhead, stationary, and email blasts. Once the bid is awarded, <br />the City will provide additional specifications for the requested collateral. Yes, there are <br />contracted vendors with the City who would work with the materials created by the awarded <br />firm to develop further publications and digital collateral as well as the printing of all <br />materials. <br />Q11. Are the subbrand logos (i.e., SIBshuttle, SIBTV, etc.) in scope? Will we have access to <br />all of these assets prior to kickoff? <br />A11. Yes, some logos will remain or evolve based on the proposer’s plan while others may <br />be removed entirely. The awarded firm will have access to all logos after the Notice to <br />Proceed and kickoff meeting. <br />Q12. What of your current positioning and visual identity should remain? Are we evolving or <br />revolutionizing? <br />A12. The City of Sunny Isles Beach seal will remain and will need to be worked into the new <br />brand. The tagline “The City of Sun and Sea” which accompanies the City seal will remain as <br />part of the seal, but does not need to be the focus of the City’s new brand. The City was