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Why sparc is the best qualified to perform the contract: <br />2. Qualifications continued <br /> SPARC DESIGN INC. | RFP 19-07-02 | CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH | CITYWIDE RE-BRANDING 5 <br />The sparc design, inc. team has helped brand small towns with <br />big hearts and bigger plans, dense urban business districts, <br />communities that echo with the music of many languages and <br />traditions — and just about everything in between. We come <br />equipped not just with knowledge and experience, but with <br />passion for what Sunny Isles Beach is about to undertake. We <br />have seen the power of our branding process as it energizes all <br />stakeholders in the community — residents, business owners <br />and their employees. We go to work with a branding process that <br />turns disparate groups into collegial teams. Ours is a process <br />that uncovers big ideas… and some surprises. But just as impor- <br />tant, we have seen the results of a strong brand as an engine for <br />community development and economic vitality.