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CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES (CCNA) NO. 20-07-01 <br />9 <br />City of <br />Testing personnel, Administrators, Engineers and PMs. This line of communication will facilitate the prompt solution of <br />any issues and bring together all of the facts to ensure the quality of materials, testing, equipment and methodologies. <br />Our PM, Mr. Nixon, will provide project updates weekly to the City PM, or at more frequent intervals as the situation <br />may warrant, to communicate schedules, attend meetings, and in general, to be an extension of the City Staff. <br /> <br />Quality Assurance/Quality Control <br />Our approach to quality control is to have properly trained personnel working on the project to achieve quality results. <br />We have documented our procedures in a QA/QC handbook. Work is routinely checked at multiple levels prior to <br />presenting the results. A tracking and responsibility stamp is used to mark the progress of all the submittal documents. <br />Our Project Managers/Professional Engineers perform periodic quality assurance peer reviews, and all our <br />geotechnical reports are reviewed and signed by three engineers. <br />Also, we consider the timeliness and accuracy of our invoices as well as any other forms and reports required by the <br />City, part of our quality control. <br />Approach to Geotechnical Services <br />The scope of work of this contract is to provide Geotechnical Engineering Services to the City for a broad range of <br />transportation, facility and improvement projects. Work will be assigned on an-as needed, task assigned basis. The <br />RADISE team is fully committed and dedicated to providing whatever resources are required to support the timely and <br />cost-effective performance of the specific work to be identified in each task authorization. <br />Geotechnical engineering is defined by RADISE as, “The investigation and engineering evaluation of earth materials <br />including soil, rock, groundwater and man-made materials and their interaction with earth retention systems, structural <br />foundations and other civil engineering works. The practice involves the application of the principles of soil mechanics <br />and the earth sciences, and requires a sound knowledge of engineering principles, formulas, construction techniques <br />and performance evaluation of civil engineering works influenced by earth materials.” <br />Our project approach is based upon providing cost effective, timely and responsive service to the City which is sensitive <br />to the environmental conditions of each individual site, accessibility constraints, design requirements, and budgetary <br />and schedule objectives as expressed by the City. Our project coordination approach also focuses on providing <br />seamless coordination and communication with the City staff to achieve the cost, schedule, technical and quality <br />objectives. Our team will provide the City with highly experienced and qualified team personnel and equipment/testing <br />resources. <br />General Project Overview <br />Our generic contract and individual project approach address the following issues: <br />1. Our organizational structure designates a dedicated RADISE Project Manager with the responsibility to oversee <br />project requirements and to assure that qualified, adequate resources are applied to the project. <br />2. The RADISE team will develop Task Specific Work Plans consistent with the scope assignment and complexity of <br />each work authorization. Each plan would be developed and approved by the City at the very onset of the task <br />and implemented for each individual work authorization. <br />3. Each task is directed, managed, executed and completed by a team of qualified, experienced and dedicated <br />professionals. Each work authorization will be completed by assigning team staff with proven expertise in projects <br />of similar scale and complexity, under the direction of one project manager serving as the direct liaison or single <br />point of contact to the City. <br />4. Well established in-house quality assurance and quality control procedures will include an emphasis on responsive <br />services and timely reporting, innovative approaches, value engineering and constructability reviews as needed <br />and where requested. <br />