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AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH <br />AND JACEY INVESTMENTS LLC Dffl/A <br />' :•,�e}�',ELITE TENT COMPANY <br />CON'T'RACT Nil. C3499-1617-002 <br />THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this _ r(o day of Q C1 2016, by <br />and between thaw CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACI'I (hereinafter referred ns to the C`City") and <br />JACEY INVESTMENTS LLL' DflilA ELITE TENT COMPANY a Florida corporation, <br />authorized [o do husine-m in the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the ("C,ornracioe'); <br />whose federal tax identification number is - �,3S-Ir4oV <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, the City is in heed of as contractor to provide tents and :;;accessories for the <br />City's ),ariou5 events on an as necdcd basis; and <br />'III -REAS, the C'4 issued Invitation to Jaid No. 16-08-01 ("iTl3"), and Contractor <br />suhrrtittcd a response thereto. a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as <br />.Attachment "A"; and <br />WHEREAS, Contractor was selected as the ltnvest responsible, respgnsive biddic r in <br />re: ponst to ITB No. 16-08-01 -, and <br />WHERE Contractor is wil ling and able to peri i -in [he Servjces hatted on [he terms and <br />conditions Jct forth in I`I'13 No. 16-4$-01, a copy of which is attached hereto and inci.�rporaited <br />herein as Attachment ° B", and <br />WIUKREAS, the City dt-sires io enter into this Agreement with C'.ontractt}r tet provide the <br />`Se-rvicefi in an amount not to exceed One IIundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000,00). <br />NOW THEREFORE, in ctmsader[ttion of il,e fareoaovn�trtants, <br />rcpresentations and m.arranties and other good and vaaltlable coin siderail n, the ret-eipl and <br />acleyuat.y of which is licreby acknowledged.. the parties agree as follows: <br />11 RECITALS. The Recliak set Corth.above. are. hereby incorporared into this tlercommt <br />and nude a part hereof for reference. <br />2. SI I VICI S. Contractor shall provide the Ser. itlew; ani More particularly described in <br />Contractor's response to ITB. No. 16-M01, which 15 it:taolied herein Attachment `iA" and <br />incorporated herein by reference, Contractor agrees to furnish all labor aitd n-iate-nia ; in a goad and <br />workmanliko and professional matutcr, The Services shall be pCiforlried by colttra otor to the full <br />saki f`at'-tion of the City. Contractor agrees to immediately inform the City via telephone and in <br />Writing>i' any prcil7lctiis that eotald cause damage to the C:iti�'s pi=jaxy, inilroven7entti and <br />persons, <br />