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3. 'I'1H;RIM. Subject to the provisions relatinb to the termination of this Agreelncntas set forth <br />hereunder, this .Agreement shall commence upon execution ofthe Agreement and shall terminate <br />no later than three (3) years thereafter. <br />4_ C'OMPF.NNATIO. The Contractor 2i�rEcS tc� prtavide Services on an a_4' needed basis in a <br />total amount not to exceed One Hundred Filly Thousand Dollars ($150.000.00) (-4Conipensation'), <br />The City is not required to reimburse the Contractor for any services beyond the agreed upon <br />Conipen5ation unless Lhe services are authorized by amendment and approved as regttired by the <br />City's purchasing procedures. Payment to C ontraicor for all charges and tasks under this <br />AP <br />reenient shall be in accordance with this Agreement and a schedule. of eliarges reflected in <br />Attachment "A", which is attached hereto and inc•orpormed herein by reference, and under the <br />following conditions: <br />a. Permit Fees. Actual permit fees shall be reimbursable to Contractor at cost; per <br />Adde-ndum No. I Lo 1TB No. 16-08-0 1 . <br />b. Payment Schedule. invoices received from the Contractor pursuant to this <br />Agreement will be reviewed by (he initiating City Department_ Il` services lra�8c <br />been rendered in confbrmity with the Agreement, the fi voice will be sent to the <br />Finance Department for payment. invoices must rcference the contract number <br />as; igned hereto- Invoices will be paid in accordance with the State of Florida <br />Prompt Parrient ALt- <br />Availability of !Funds. The City's performance and obligation to pay under this <br />Agreement is ccintin errt LrpCni an annual appropnatilon for its purposc by the City <br />Conuiussion. In the event the City Commission fails to appropriate hinds Cor the <br />particular purpose of this Agreement during any year of term hereof: then this <br />Agreement shall be tcrnunatcd upon tcn (10) days writteii notice and the Contractor <br />shall be compensated fbr the Services satislactorily pe-i-Fon-ned prior to the efrecave <br />date of termination, <br />cl. Final InVOiie. ]rt Order for hath parties; herein io close their hocks and records: <br />the Contractor wl11 clearly state "final invoicg''inn L}re Contractor'S hrial/Imstbillin(y <br />to the City. This certifies that all services have been propiMy perl`arnied and all <br />chargos and costs have been i n voiced to the City. Sines this account will thereupott <br />be ciclseci, any OLher additional charges, if` not properly included on this final <br />invoice, arewaived by the Cfxvractor. <br />Contractor shall mak-; no other charge, to the Cite for supplies, labor, taxes, licenses, pennits, <br />overhead or any other cxpcnscs -or costs unless any s-rch ex=pense or cost is incurred by Contractor <br />weir], the prior written aper€ ,,,al of the City. If the Citi' disputes any charges on the invoices, it may <br />snake paymenL ol'the unc.crnLe.sted arrttyunts and ..vithhold payment on the contested amounts until <br />they are resolved by agreement wi Lh C ontrac-tor_ Contractor shall not pledge the City's eredit or <br />make it a guarantor of payment or 5ureLy (oT any c��ntract, debt, obligation, judgment, Iien; or any <br />iC�rrlt of iildcbtCdncss, `l'lie Contractor i'urrthcr- w+��an-ants and represenoi that it has nri obligation or <br />indebtedness that would impair its abiliq, to fulfill the: terms of this Agreement_ <br />Pane 2 of 8 <br />03499.1617-002 - IACEY tt1VESTNIENTS LLC, DIBJ,A FL1Tr Trr.'r c,C}NVANY <br />Gula <br />