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NOTICE: <br />The hybrid meeting/hearing will be noticed in the same manner and at the same locations as all City <br />Commission meetings/hearings are noticed (including mailed notice, as may be required by the City <br />Code or Zoning Code). The Zoom conference number (along with instructions) will be published <br />on the City Commission agenda and will be included everywhere that the meeting/hearing is noticed. <br />The phone number for phone participation will also be included on the City Commission agenda <br />and everywhere that the meeting/hearing is noticed. Additionally, instructions on how to provide a <br />comment via e -comment and an email address will be provided everywhere that the meeting/hearing <br />is noticed. <br />All notices will make clear that Commission Chambers (and other meetings spaces where advisory <br />or quasi-judicial meetings/hearings may be held) are closed to the public. <br />All notices will provide that any person needing an accommodation in order to listen to or <br />participate in the meeting should contact the City Clerk at 305-792-1703, TTY 305-792-1589 no <br />later than 48 hours prior to the proceedings. <br />Members of City staff presenting an item on the agenda will do so virtually via Zoom. <br />The public may comment during the "Open Public Comment" portion of the meeting or on an item on <br />the agenda using the Zoom platform. The public may also comment using the dedicated phone <br />number provided for anyone wishing to comment, via telephone, on an item on the agenda. Members <br />of the public who attend the meeting by phone must keep their line muted at all times, except when <br />acknowledged by the Mayor/Chair to speak on a particular agenda item. <br />In addition, comments to be considered during the hearing may be provided prior to the beginning of <br />the meeting, using the City's already -established e -comment function which may be found on the <br />City's website at: or by emailing <br />PublicCommentg,, <br />Before each item is voted on, the Mayor/Chair will allow for public comment using Zoom or the <br />telephone line provided. When the Mayor/Chair acknowledges those on the phone line that wish to <br />speak, only one individual will be permitted to speak at a time. <br />In addition, the Mayor/Chair will request that the City Cleric read any e -comments or emails relating <br />to that particular item into the record. <br />The Mayor/Chair may exercise his or her authority to limit the length of time provided to an <br />4 <br />