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individual for public comment. In addition, the Mayor/Chair may preserve decorum and order in <br />accordance with Section 74-21 of the City Code. <br />A phone number and email address will be provided for individuals who may have questions on <br />how to access the meeting or participate in the meeting/hearing, prior to the date of the meeting. <br />Hybrid quasi-judicial hearings shall be conducted in the same manner as traditional quasi-judicial <br />hearings with the following stipulations that account for the virtual nature of a portion of the hearing: <br />Exhibits: For all quasi-judicial hearings except appeals, a list of all proposed exhibits and a copy of <br />the proposed exhibits shall be provided to the City Clerk/board liaison, five (5) days prior to the <br />hearing, in a format that is easily viewable on the Zoom platform. All exhibits shall be clearly <br />labeled to allow for efficient retrieval and display on the Zoom platform during the hearing. All <br />exhibits will be posted online, as is customary. <br />Testimony/Public Participation: The applicant shall present via Zoom. A list of all individuals <br />who will be called as witnesses during the hearings, shall be provided to the City Clerlc/board liaison, <br />five (5) days prior to the hearing.' At the beginning of the hearing, the City Clerk/board liaison <br />shall call each witness by name, one -by -one, in order to swear each person in. Any witness who <br />wishes to testify during the hearing and is not included in the previously -provided witness list, shall <br />be sworn in after all witnesses on the list are sworn in and prior to the beginning of the hearing. All <br />witnesses providing testimony must appear by video conference. The City Cleric or court reporter <br />shall administer the oath to any individual who is appearing by video conference and shall establish <br />the identity of the witness on the record as well as the witness's consent for the hearing to be recorded. <br />In addition, comments to be considered during the hearing may be provided prior to the beginning of <br />the meeting, using the City's already -established e -comment function which may be found on the <br />City's website at: or by emailing <br /> <br />The Mayor/Chair will allow for public comment using Zoom after the parties have concluded the <br />presentation of their cases and before a vote is taken. In addition, the Mayor/Chair will request <br />that the City Clerk or board liaison read any e -comments or emails sent about the matter that is the <br />subject of the hearing into the record. However, those comments standing alone are not sworn and do <br />not qualify as competent substantial evidence on which the quasi-judicial board may rely, except <br />that they may be considered if they support sworn testimony that is considered competent substantial <br />evidence. The failure to read a comment shall not have any impact on the validity of the final <br />determination. <br />3 This requirement shall not apply to objectors at a zoning hearing. <br />