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Cht j of Sunny Isles Beach 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunriv Isles Beach, Florida ".160 <br />(305) 947-0606 phone (305) �49-311'3 Fax <br />1.11. GOVERNING LAW AND ATTORN-ENPs }+. rES. It is agreed that this L'�gmemcnt <br />shall be governed by, construed and Cnl'orced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.. <br />VenLit for any legal proceeding shall be in Miami Lade County,, Florida. in thC e.vtnt L beeo.rnes <br />necessary for the City to file a IRWSuit to enforce any term or provision under this Agreernentand <br />the City is the. prevailing paroy then the City shall be entitled to its costs and attum y`s flues at the <br />pretrial, trial and appellate lcyvls. <br />1.12. CONFIDENTIAL iNFORt'ui.ATION,' The Consultant shall that. either daring the term <br />of this Agreement or any time far a period often (10) }'ears. subsequent to that date upon which <br />the C 0nsuI[an t 0 a I I leave the ern Rloyrnmt of the City for any reason whatsoever-, discliose. to any <br />person or Cntjt , other than in the discharge ol'the duties of the Consultant Linder this Agreement, <br />any information which the C_:ity designates in writing as "confidential." As a violation by the <br />Consultant 01,010 provisions of this Section could cause irr}eparabit irjury to the City and there is <br />no adequate remedy at law for such violation, the City shall have €lie right, in addition ten any <br />other remedies. available to it at later or in tgrrity; to enjoin the Consultant from violating such <br />provisions. <br />1.13. JURISDICTION,'t-TNUE AND WAIVER 0Y.MMY TRIAL. This Agreementshall <br />be interpreted -and construed in accordance with and Governed by the laws of thy. State; o(`Florida.. <br />All parties agree and acctpt that jurisdiction of any dispute at' controversy arising, out of this <br />A2reernent, and any action involving the enforcement or interpri;tation of any rights hereunder <br />s} hrouuht,ex01usiwely in the Fleventh Judicial Circuit in and for 41iami Dade County, <br />l'lorida, and venue for lit! -avian arising out Of this Agreement shall be eXcltrsiMy in such state <br />coon; ftrrsaking any otlier jurisdiction which either party may claim by virtue of its residency or <br />other jurisdictional dcvicc, In the event it beconnc:s necessary for the City to file a la«�4uit to <br />enforce any term err provision under this Agreement and the City is the prevailing party then the <br />City shall be cntt'ik d ter its costs and attonney's fees at the pretrial, trial and appellate levels_ BY <br />ENTERING INTO TI I I5 AGU-'L41LNT, CONSULTANT AND CITY HEREBY EXPRESSLY <br />WAiVE ANY RIGHTS EITHER PARTY MAY 1-IAVE TO A "TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY <br />CIVIL LITIGATION RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENIT. Nothing in tlni% Agreement is <br />intended to serve as, a waiver of sovereign immunity, or of any other immunky, defense, or <br />privilege onjoyed by the City pursuant to Section 768.28; Florida 4tatutes, <br />1.14, NOTICE& Alt notioes and other comrnunicatiom recl,uired or permitted to be given <br />under this; .Agreement by either partytn the other shall be [it writing and shall be sent (except as <br />oflierwisc provided herein) (i) by uerti(ied or registered mail, first class postage prepaid, return <br />receiptreyues;ted,.(ii)byguarimteedovernightdel ivery byanationallyrecogniz. dcour%erservice, <br />or (iii) by facsimile with confirmation receipt (Mth a Copy simultaneously sent by certi(itcl or <br />registered mail, lwm Class poslagi� prcpstid; return receipt requested or by overnight deliver, by <br />traditionally recognized courier service), addressed to such party as follows: <br />6835-095 D)5A5TFR PROGfcAM$ & OPEKATIONS,1,1C. <br />