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AGREEi1f EN BETVIfH 1+:M1 '1'H Hr C.'1'1' ` OFS1;11V1 `fit! ISLE,4 BE EACH S <br />Al' D D1SAST.> R PROGRAM & OPERA ONS..INC. <br />CONTRACT NO.6835-095 <br />TITS CONTRA <br />JAI, JAI, ACftlf.l+',11�IJ-'N (hereinafter referred to as the :&areement") <br />is made in duplicate. this 28 day of; 2018, by and between the CITY OF STILT y ISLFS <br />BEACH, Florida', (hereinafter referred 'to as "Citjr'), and DISASTER PROGR-4M <br />OPERATIONS, INC.. a corporation authorized to del business in the State of Florida <br />(hereinafter referred to as �6C:onsultant") ti%-hose Federal 1.1). A is 47-3916191. <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, in response to the City`s Request for Proposal (RFP) Flo- 18-04-03), and <br />Resolution No, 2018-` 8 4, a primary Consultant was selected for ernergenoy € ebris inormoring <br />and financial recovery assistance for the City ('-Services"); and <br />%VREREAS, Consultant has expre,5ed the ability and desire to provide these Services, as <br />more particu larly described in Attachment "A". a COPY 01* antic h. is attached hereto_ and <br />WHEREAS, the total amount to be paid lbr the Sorvilces is on a unit price basis- in <br />accordance with the Vee Schedule: as more particularly_ describedin Attachrncnt;;A11 <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants herein <br />name, the parties agree as Fullows, <br />LL RVIC:iTALS. The Rec-itals set forth above are hereby incorporated into this Agreement <br />and made a part hereof for reference_ In addition, the following documents are hereby <br />incorporated by reference and made hart of this Agreemeni: <br />G) Specification and Proposal Doeumeats prepared by the City for Disaster Debris <br />lrlonitoring Services & Financial Recovery Assistance, UP NO, 18-04--01. <br />ii Resportse to RFP No. 18-04-03, prgarcd by Cunsuli.€nt, a copy of which is <br />attached hereto as Attachment "A" and incorporated herein bkr refercttcc.. <br />All I,xhibits are collectively referred to as the °'Contract Docuntcrits". <br />1.2. SERVICES. Consultant shall provide Disaster Debris Monitoring, Services <br />Financial Recovery .Assistance as the primary Consultant for services pursuant to the terms Land <br />conditions sct forth in the Request for Proposal 18-04-03 and AttachmentConsultant shall <br />perform the Services under the general direction of the City and shall furnish all labor, nnaterials, <br />supplies. cquiprncn(, supervision and SA:rviccs necessary for and Incident co the performance of <br />the Services, e ecpt as otherwise noted in t]-te spa:cilkations. B_V signing this Agreenrient_ the <br />Consultant represents that it thoi-OLIghly reviewed the Contract I}ocurnents incorporated into this <br />Agret ntcnt and that it accepts the Services and the conditions under which the Services are to be <br />perfunned . <br />1_3. QUALIFICATIONS, Consultant and the individual catecuting this Agreement on <br />behalf of Elie Consultant warrant to the City that the COnsttl(ram is a Fluridat corporation duly <br />constituted and authorizO to do business in the !state of Florida, is in good standing and that the <br />6535-0')'i D15As,rrR 1' OGRAMS Fa OPFRATIONS. INC. <br />