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City ofSuntly Isles .Leach 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunny isle,, Beacli_ Florida } s160 <br />(305) 947-0606 phone (305) 949-3 113 Fax <br />performing its duties as contemplatcd under this A! !roumcnt. The City sliall not be responsible lbr <br />any expense incurri'd by fhe Consultant- The City shall have no duty to wtthbold any federal <br />incumc -taxes Or -pay Social Security services and that such obligations -shall be that ref` the <br />Consultant, other than those set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall furnish its own <br />transportation, office and other supplies as it deten-nin€s necessary in carry ingout its duties under <br />this Apreement. <br />1.8. 030t NERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND EQLITPME.NT. All docLtrnent5 prepared by <br />the Consultant pursuant to this Agreetnent and related Services to this Agreement are. intended <br />and represented fbr the ownership of the City only. Any oLht:r usc: by COnSLIltitnL oruthc-rparties <br />shall be approved in writing by the City. if requested, Consultant shall deliver the documents to <br />the City within fi I'Leen (15) calendar days. <br />1.9. INSURA`JC K. Consultant Sliall, at its sale crest and expense, during the Ferlod o[any <br />work being perl'ormed under this Agreement_ prOcurc and maintain the IblloWirtE* rtiitutntLml <br />insurance coverage to protect the City and Consultant against all loss, claims, damage and <br />liabilities caused hV CollsulLant, its a'ents or employees, as indicated below. <br />J C€ rnprehen dve General liability insurance, including broad lbrrn contractual <br />liability coverage for all operations, including bo not limited to.. contractual, <br />products, and completed operations, personal injury and prupe-rLy damage liability <br />With minitrlurn limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence- <br />F7 Workc-r's Compertsation and employer's liability coverage", as rcq,u and pursuant <br />to Florida lacy. <br />❑ Bu51nCSs Atatomobile Liability which shall include coverage for all owned, non- <br />owiled and hired vehicles for m inimuni limits Of nctL less than One M-Lilion Dollars <br />(V,000.000) per occurrence. <br />❑ Fin}ft5Si0nal Liability Insurance inClLtdirtgErrors and Omissions with mints urn <br />limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occ.ttrrence- <br />insurance rcquircd of the Consultant shall be primary to, and not contribute with, any insurance <br />or self-insurance maintained by the City. Such insurance shall not diminish Consuliant`s <br />indemnification and obligations herei]nder. The insurance palic.y shall be issued by companies <br />authorized tD do business under the laws cif the State of Florida and acceptable to the City with a <br />minimum A.tM. 13est rating of A -Excel lent. Before any work tender Lhis .Agreement is perronned, <br />and aL any time upon requt St, Consultant sliall furnish to the City certificates of insurance <br />evidencing the minimum ruquired coverage and shall be appropriatcly endorsed for contractual <br />HabiliLy. with the City named as additional insured- All policies shall contain a waiver of <br />subrogation endorsement. All policies and certificates shall be in fortes and issued by insurance <br />compaties acceptable to the City Manager or his designee_ All insurance policies and uertificams <br />Of insurance shall provide that the policies may not be canceled or altered without thirty (:30) days. <br />prior written notice to the City. C.onSL%ltanL shall also require and ensure that each of its sub- <br />6935-095 DISASTER PRL1t RAMS & OPERATIONS. INC. <br />