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Reso 2023-3470
City Clerk
Reso 2023-3470
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Last modified
3/1/2023 9:53:49 AM
Creation date
2/23/2023 5:18:26 PM
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Awarding ITB 22-12-02 and agreement w/ Eagle Eye Officiating, LLC for sports officiating and scorekeeping services.
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for additional compensation made by Contractor, and to conduct an <br />audit of the financial and accounting records of Contractor which <br />relate to the Project. Contractor shall retain and make available to 1.46 <br />City all such books and records and accounts, financial or otherwise, <br />which relate to the Project and to any claim for a period of three <br />years following final completion of the Project. During the Project <br />and the three year period following final completion of the Project, <br />Contractor shall provide City access to its books and records upon <br />five days written notice. <br />1.44 SEVERABILITY: <br />1.45 <br />If any provision of the Contract or the application thereof to any <br />person or situation shall to any extent, be held invalid or <br />unenforceable, the remainder of the Contract, and the application of <br />such provisions to persons or situations other than those as to which <br />It shall have been held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected <br />thereby, and shall continue in full force and effect, and be enforced <br />to the fullest extent permitted by law. <br />The Contractor is an independent Contractor under the Contract. <br />Services provided by the Contractor shall be by employees of the <br />Contractor and subject to supervision by the Contractor, and not as <br />officers, employees, or agents of the City. Personnel policies, tax <br />responsibilities, social security and health insurance, employee <br />benefits, purchasing policies and other similar administrative <br />procedures, applicable to services rendered under the Contract shall <br />be those of the Contractor. <br />End of Section <br />city of SUN Ir <br />PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTRACTING WITH <br />SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES: <br />Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 217.4725, contracting with any <br />entity that is listed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel <br />List or that is engaged in the boycott of Israel is prohibited. <br />Contractors must certify that the company is not participating in a <br />boycott of Israel. Any contract for goods or services of One Million <br />Dollars ($1,000,000) or more shall be terminated at the City's <br />option if it is discovered that the entity submitted false documents <br />of certification, is listed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities <br />in Sudan List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran <br />Petroleum Energy Sector List, or has been engaged in business <br />operations in Cuba or Syria after July 1, 2018. Any contract entered <br />into or renewed after July 1, 2018 shall be terminated at the City's <br />option if the company is listed on the Scrutinized Companies that <br />Boycott Israel List or engaged in the boycott of Israel. <br />Contractors must submit the certification that is attached to this <br />agreement. Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a <br />material breach of contract. The City shall provide notice, in writing, <br />to the Contractor of the Citys determination concerning the false <br />certification. The Contractor shall have ninety (90) days following <br />receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the <br />determination was in error. If the Contractor does not demonstrate <br />that the City's determination of false certification was made in error, <br />then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek <br />civil remedies pursuant to Florida Statute Section 215.4725. <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach I Invitation to Bid No. 22-12-02 <br />
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