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Section 2 <br />Special Terms and Conditions <br />2.1 PURPOSE OF THE ITB <br />'11Y Of SUk" W - <br />The City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida (the "City") is hereby requesting sealed bids from qualified <br />contractors (the "Contractor", "Firm", "Vendor" or the "Bidder") to furnish all labor, <br />management, materials and equipment to provide Sports Officiating Services. Officials shall be <br />defined as one who administers the rules of a game or sport and shall be inclusive of the term <br />referee, line judge, scorekeeper, and umpire unless stated otherwise. The Contractor is to ensure <br />that all personnel utilized for Officiating Services are knowledgeable in all applicable rules and <br />regulations, as they pertain to the specific sports activity. Such officials must have a complete <br />understanding and knowledge in the methods of common scorekeeping practices for the sports <br />activity in question. The firm, or principals of the firm, shall be regularly engaged in the business <br />of providing the services as described herein. The firm shall have sufficient financial support, <br />equipment, and organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the services if awarded <br />a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated. <br />2.2 MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (MARS) <br />a. Proposing bidder must have been awarded Prime Contractor and successfully performed <br />two (2) projects of similar or greater size, scope and complexity to the specifications of <br />the ITB within the last five (5) years. <br />b. Contractor shall provide references for no less than two (2) references, preferably <br />government agencies in which Contractor served as Prime Contractor for projects similar <br />in size and scope. Please note that the references must be for the same projects in <br />response to MQR "a" above. <br />c. Provide documentation of Youth/Adult CPR, First Aid Certification. <br />d. Provide Certification, License or copies of successful completion of examination with <br />NFHS, NASO, FHSAA, IAABO, NYSOA, USSF, FSR or USA Volleyball; qualification must <br />remain current throughout the duration of the contract. <br />2.3. BACKGROUND CHECK — LEVEL 2 <br />The successful proposer and all personnel employed by them shall be required, at their sole cost <br />and expense, to pass a criminal background check prior to award of the contract, and every <br />renewal term, which background check shall be facilitated through the City's Human Resources <br />Department. The criminal background check shall consist of a Florida department of law <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach I ITB 22-12-02 <br />