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(d) Run-off Election. The ballot for the run-off election shall contain the names <br />of the two (2) candidates for Mayor, if applicable, and the names of the two <br />candidates for each Commission seat who received the most votes in the general <br />election or special election. The ballot shall instruct electors to cast one vote for <br />Mayor and to cast one vote for each Commission seat, with a maximum of one (1) <br />vote per candidate. The candidate for Mayor receiving the most votes shall be duly <br />elected Mayor. The candidates for each Commission seat receiving the most votes <br />shall be duly elected to that Commission seat. In the event of a tie after a run-off <br />election, the winner shall be determined using a method and in a manner <br />Prescribed by ordinance. <br />Part K. Section 5.1(i) of the City Charter of the City of Sunny Isles Beach is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />§ C-5.1 Elections <br />u Commencement of Terms. The term of office of any elected official will <br />commence on the 301 day fellewin^ the day 14th day after certification of the <br />general or run-off election in which he/she is elected, unless that day falls on <br />a Saturday or Sunday, in which case it shall be the next Monday immediately <br />following at 12 o'clock noon, or immediately upon certification of the results <br />of a special election ("commencement term"), and will end at midnight of the <br />day before the commencement term. <br />Part L. Section 5.3 of the City Charter of the City of Sunny Isles Beach is hereby amended <br />to read as follows: <br />§ C-5.3 Form of Ballots <br />A Charter amendment, ordinance or other ballot issue to be voted on by the <br />electors shall be presented for voting by ballot title. The ballot title of a measure <br />differ frArn its legal tits„ shall be a clear, concise statement describing the substance <br />of the measure without argument or prejudice. Below the ballot title shall appear the <br />following question: "Shall the above described [amendment/ordinance/proposal] be <br />adopted?" Immediately below such question shall appear, in the following order, the <br />word 'YES" and also the word "NO". <br />Part M. Section 7.4 of the City Charter of the City of Sunny Isles Beach is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />§ C-7.4 Charter Revision <br />At its first meeting in Dercemh^r of the fifth (=51) ..,,.,r after the - depti„n of the this <br />ChaFteF in n.,, -.,m -her 2002 Rd theFea4 ,r eveFy tenth (191) yeaF ee mmnnrsing fly cernh.,r <br />2012 January 2033, and thereafter every tenth (10th) year commencing January 2043, the <br />City Commission shall appoint a Charter Revision Commission ("Charter Revision <br />Commission") consisting of five (5) persons including four (4) from the Residential Areas <br />from which the City Commissioners were elected. The Mayor shall appoint one Charter <br />Revision Commission member who may reside anywhere in the City and that appointee <br />shall be ratified by a majority of the City Commission. Each Commissioner shall be entitled <br />5 <br />