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§ 74-1. Adoption of standards; Intent. <br />Except as may be provided in the Charter, the City of Sunny Isles Beach Code, Florida laws or by <br />these rules as set forth in this chapter, questions of order, the methods of organization and the <br />conduct of business of the Commission and to the extent there is no conflict, the Commission <br />shall be governed by the most recent edition of A4;4,; m',; Manual „f Legislate.,,, o.,,, ,, d„r„ (1 953 <br />€d+tief4Robert's Rules of Order. <br />It is the intent of the City Commission that these rules as set forth in this Chapter apply to all <br />meetings of the City Commission, including special meetings and workshops, unless specifically <br />stated otherwise. <br />ARTICLE II - Officers <br />§ 74-2. Presiding officer. <br />The Mayor, ViGe Mayer er, if neither available, a Fnembe- of the r,,,,,M.Os. gen desi ,.,-,ted by <br />tham-Maye+ shall preside at all meetings of the City Commission at which he or she is present. In <br />the absence of the Mayor the Vice Mayor shall serve as presiding officer for said meeting. In the <br />absence of the Mayor and Vice Mayor, the City Clerk shall call the meeting to order and shall <br />immediately call for an election to designate a presiding officer for said meeting. —,tile <br />Gemmossoe n rh4II ;Plpr-.t Amp mf i+c a -. rem.,.,r-.r.. pFe.-i.Jin., r,ffir.,r. The presiding <br />officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings of the Commission. A majority <br />vote of the members present shall govern and conclusively determine all questions of order not <br />otherwise covered. The presiding officer has the power, among other things, to recognize a <br />speaker, secure and retain the floor for the speaker and keep order during the time the floor is <br />taken. <br />§ 74-3. City Clerk. <br />The City Clerk shall act as Clerk of the Commission. The Clerk of the Commission shall call the <br />roll, prepare the minutes, and shall be the custodian of the records, a -Rd shall certify all <br />ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Commission, and perform such other duties as <br />required by the City Charter. In the absence of the Mayor and Vice Mayor, the Clerk of the <br />Commission shall have the authority to call the meeting to order and shall immediately call for <br />an election to designate a presiding officer for said meeting. If, at any time during said meeting, <br />the presiding officer arrives, the temporary presiding officer shall relinquish the chair to the <br />presiding officer, upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Commission. <br />ARTICLE III Meetings <br />§ 74-6. Regular meetings. <br />02024 Amend Chap 74 2nd Rdg Page 2 of 13 <br />