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Zoning Code be granted." A plaque or sign would identify it as a "reconstructed site". <br /> Cassey Gabor asked if there are minor damages to the Pier, who would pay for repairs? Deputy <br /> City Attorney Fernando Amuchastegui said you are asking if it is due to weather, if the paint <br /> became deteriorated and if it needed to be repainted, that would normally be considered general <br /> maintenance. He said he would check the agreement between the City and Dr. Cornfeld to <br /> confirm whose responsibility it is for minor repairs. He will report back to the Board at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> 4. Update/Report on the Camels in Front of the Sahara Beach Motel. <br /> Action: Warren Stamm reported from the Dezers respective, it is really the last vestige of a <br /> reminder of the fabulous 1950's. The camels had sustained some damage a while back and with <br /> Richard's persistence they were repaired. The Dezers are acquiring a number of units in the <br /> Sahara and they continue to do so, so they can make sure that they maintain good stewardship <br /> over the camels on behalf of the Association. The way Florida Statutes work is from a <br /> standpoint of percentages. Right now there are 147 units in Sahara Beach and anybody with 51% <br /> of those voting rights can basically dictate what goes on. But as far as a significant or long term <br /> change with respect to the Sahara,that would require 75%of the unit owners to approve anything <br /> that is major, and of course in their position, anything having to do with the camels is major. <br /> That would necessitate 110 units of the 147 units and we are slowly creeping up to that so that <br /> we ultimately get control. When we do get total control of the Sahara, and there is something <br /> done on a more permanent basis on the Sahara property, the Dezers have committed to the <br /> camels being a legacy to the City of Sunny Isles Beach. It is not necessarily in the immediate <br /> future but it certainly will be done during their tenure. In the meantime because they do have a <br /> significant ownership in the Sahara, anything regarding the maintenance or upkeep or anything <br /> having to do with camels or the property as a whole, they are very much in favor of maintaining <br /> the status quo of what is there. If there are any repairs or things like that, it is very easy for them <br /> to push or mandate that the camels be maintained as far as painting, landscaping or lighting. <br /> Take as many pictures of the camels that you can for generational purposes because that is going <br /> to play really well for the historical position of the City to show generationally how all these <br /> things progressed. He will keep the Board posted. <br /> John Rusnak said you had mentioned you are creeping up on those numbers, where are you <br /> exactly on those numbers? Warren Stamm said because they are still acquiring units he cannot <br /> say because of the law of supply and demand. <br /> Cassey Gabor asked if you would have the majority, do you know what the plan is, and she <br /> believes it would be condominiums, and in the interest of the camels, would they be moved? Mr. <br /> Stamm said he does not expect that the Dezers will have the camels remain on the property. He <br /> thinks they will find a much better home somewhere within the City, hopefully at an entrance to <br /> a playground, or maybe Gateway Park, or something else that comes up because they are really <br /> fascinating. He is upset that we didn't have an opportunity to save some of the other things from <br /> the Dunes, etc. Going up and down the beach we really have very little left from that era. We <br /> still have the Thunderbird, the internal portions of the Thunderbird, clearly the Dezers are <br /> committed when there is a change to the property, if there is anything in there that is of <br /> significant value, they will offer it to the City. <br /> Summary Minutes: 2014-0326 HPB Mtg Page 2 of 7 <br />