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Cassev Gabor also asked that maybe we can declare the camels right now as historic artifacts to <br /> ensure we have them in the future. Ellen J. Uguccioni said the camels would need to go through <br /> the designation process. Deputy City Attorney Amuchastegui said the camels do not necessarily <br /> need to be declared historic in order for the City to preserve them. <br /> 5. A Presentation by Ellen J. Uguccioni of an Overview of Chapter 171 of the City Code, <br /> Historic Landmarks. <br /> Action: Consultant Ellen J. Uguccioni gave an overview of Chapter 171 of the City Code. <br /> She said the main function of the Board is designation of historic properties. You are an <br /> advisory Board and you are to designate, regulate and administer historical, cultural, <br /> archeological, and architectural resources in the City. You are the City's representatives to <br /> advocate historic preservation throughout the City. Within a Historic District there are two <br /> different kinds of resources: 1) Contributing: and 2) Non-Contributing. As an example, if <br /> you were to look at a 19`h Century mining town, you may have houses,industrious buildings, <br /> etc. that were done in the 19'h Century. All of those properties contribute to that sense of <br /> place and to the era, and the kind of design that was being practiced. If CVS came in and <br /> built a store, that would be a non-contributing building. The general threshold is 50 years <br /> old or older, and there are exemptions to that. She also reviewed the standards for <br /> designation of archaeological and historic landmarks in Section 171-5. <br /> Ms. Uguccioni noted that Cassey Gabor had asked her about process, and she wanted to go <br /> over that. Who can propose a certain designation in Sunny Isles Beach? It can be the <br /> property owner, it can be the Historic Preservation Board,or it can be the City Commission. <br /> At a minimum if someone came to you to designate a property, they must provide you with a <br /> legal description, a photograph representing the property in its entirety, Statement of <br /> Significance, and any other information they would have to support that proposal. Once <br /> staff has determined that the minimum eligibility requirement has been met, the City <br /> Manager or his designee shall prepare the Designation Report. The Report contains at a <br /> minimum, the Statement of Significance which outlines the criteria for significance, the <br /> boundaries, and in terms of a house, we use the legal description of that property. If it is an <br /> archeological site we are sometimes using topographical features, sometimes physical <br /> features like a river runs through it. If you have been following the papers you will know of <br /> the Indian Site in Miami, what was Dupont Circle and the area that Henry Flagler built, the <br /> Dupont Hotel, etc. The report will contain a recommendation to the Board saying whether or <br /> not the person who wrote the report will use this as designation. Lastly we would use a <br /> Review Guide which has a description of the property. If it was a house we would say"the <br /> most prominent features of this Queen Anne style house are the turrets, the towers, the <br /> ornate wooded moldings, etc., and the reason we add the Review Guide to your report is so <br /> that if someone comes to you and says I want to put in single pane windows and they were <br /> originally casement double sash windows, you would know it was not right,and you would <br /> note it in the Review Guide. <br /> During the hearing process, the Sunshine Law is in effect, and because these are public <br /> hearings you cannot talk about it amongst yourselves. The Board shall conduct a public <br /> hearing and determine whether you want to approve it or approve it with conditions,amend <br /> it, or deny it. There is an appeal process as we know from Temple B'nai Zion that we are <br /> still involved in. An appeal is made to the City Commission within 14 days after the date you <br /> Summary Minutes: 2014-0326 HPB Mtg Page 3 of 7 <br />