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Summary Minutes:Special City Commission Meeting November 13,2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> another tool is that, you had a six-year spread between the first and the second, is it that we <br /> are an entity like yourself and repeat,or progression of study? Ms. Cutt said the two studies <br /> they did, Phase I and Phase II, we are analyzing what is going on in the beach, basically the <br /> sand budget for the City, and so those do periodically need to be updated so you understand <br /> what is going on within your municipal boundaries,and if we had more physical monitoring <br /> data they would be even more informative. That is just part of your overall beach strategy, <br /> that is not necessary something that is going to feed a particular lobbying effort. Your <br /> lobbying effort will probably be focused more at the County and the State level then the <br /> Federal government to be more bang for your buck and more potentially effective. Those <br /> will be more on targeted projects specific, so the Newport Pier if you wanted to try to get the <br /> County to cost share in the Newport Pier Project and to have the information that is going to <br /> mitigate this hot spot and the County nourishes the beach in the City and the hot spot is <br /> appearing and we are not sure where that equilibrium is and we don't quite know at this point <br /> how far back that beach is going to continue to erode. And so is it in its new equilibrium,we <br /> are not sure, and so it is in the County's best interest to find a structure that is going to hold <br /> the beach in a solid location so that they don't have to come in after every storm and mitigate <br /> that hot spot. Similarly,the north end of the City is an even bigger area because it is a worse <br /> hot spot but it would take more dollars to fix. If we prove that the cost benefit is there, that <br /> the cost of trucking in sand from an outland mine at $45 a cubic yard in place is more than <br /> the cost to construct those structures, and those structures are going to reduce the frequency <br /> that that shoreline needs to be nourished by x amount and we can show the cost benefit is <br /> there then the County will take you seriously and consider cost sharing then. And then that <br /> same information is used for the State when we submit for design and permitting funding, <br /> and then ultimately for construction funding. <br /> Mayor Scholl said based on that he thinks it is up to staff to come back to us and give us a <br /> little more information, he wants to see numbers, he wants to see a quantitative breakdown. <br /> Ms. Cutt said that they have provided proposals for a cost benefit analysis for a structural <br /> evaluation of the existing structure at the north end to see what is going on with them. Have <br /> they subsided, are they functional at all, are they having an effect on the beach? We have a <br /> pending proposal for a cost benefit analysis to evaluate whether for their structural solution <br /> should be considered and for assessment of a structure under the Pier, and so those they <br /> already have. Mayor Scholl said the summer analysis, if it is not too costly but it sounds like <br /> a no brainer to him because we are basically creating the data base because we know <br /> eventually we are going to have a storm and it is going to be ugly. At least if we have the <br /> data, the regular shore analysis sounds like under any circumstances we should probably be <br /> doing because we know within the next ten(10)years something is going to happen,and that <br /> is going to be money well spent because then we are going to have the data to argue with <br /> FEMA. If you don't know then we will be making improper measurements and FEMA will <br /> not buy that data because they are going to come up with every reason to turn you down. But <br /> if you walk in with concrete data, you have kind of built your house out of bricks at that <br /> point. But that is more like fixing the potholes or making sure we have the preventative <br /> maintenance piece in place at some level. Ms. Cutt said we can also check at the beginning <br /> of each summer as to whether the County plans to do a survey that summer and stagger our <br /> survey transect to fall between the County because like she said,the Pier falls between survey <br /> monuments, and so trying to get data, and that is why Jordan traced shorelines on google <br /> earth, you know we had no data to analyze. <br /> 14 <br />