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2015-1113 Special City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2015-1113 Special City Commission Meeting
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Summary Minutes:Special City Commission Meeting November 13.2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> Haulover as they come from Sunny Isles Beach, that beach is a public beach. And so the <br /> County does have an obligation to maintain that asset, it is not our asset, we just get the <br /> benefit of building on it and using it. He thinks this is not a question we are going to resolve <br /> today obviously but he thinks we have got very good experts. They have explained this in as <br /> plain an English as they can explain, we all get the gist of it, and it is our decision. Are we <br /> going to spend money on more analysis to create a scientific arguable argument for going <br /> after additional funding, or even contributing a chunk of our own funding in order to create <br /> some of these engineered breakwaters somehow, in one form or fashion because we can't <br /> afford our own beach renourishment,that is going to bankrupt us,that is not going to work. <br /> We are going to have to rely on what goes on. He agrees with Penny that we have had these <br /> extraordinary projects where they dig these basements 30 feet deep. To your point <br /> Commissioner Levin whereby we get the benefit of that sand, and it is going on right now. <br /> You know we have got that truck haul project,the County was dragging us through the mud <br /> on some of those approvals. What he would recommend is that staff works with our <br /> Consultants to figure out the cost of some of the phases of these surveys that we may want to <br /> do,and then they come back to us. Then we would have some kind of idea of the economics <br /> and we can decide what the risk versus trade-off is. <br /> Commissioner Levin asked if there was a finite data collection period that we need to do it or <br /> does the length of the data collection period differ depending on what we are looking at? <br /> Would there be any benefit in doing something that is ongoing over time,forever? Ms. Cutt <br /> said she thinks there is tremendous benefit in doing physical monitoring surveys over the <br /> summer more frequently than every 1,000 feet along the shoreline. Commissioner Levin said <br /> how many claimers,and Penny said indefinitely because if a named storm effects our beach, <br /> FEMA will provide funds to replace the loss volume of sand,and so the better data you have, <br /> if you have current data for what the condition was prior to the storm and you can justify this <br /> as our loss as a result of that named storm, then FEMA money is available to replace that <br /> volume of lost sand. That data feeds any future applications but when you do go in for an <br /> application you need current data from preferably the summer prior to the application period. <br /> Ms. Cutt said to address several of the Mayor's points,there can be funding available for the <br /> design and permitting fees of some of these projects. And so it is not only limited to <br /> construction of the actual project,there is normally some funding available,and Dade County <br /> scores very high because Dade County has so much public beach access. So being part of the <br /> Dade County Project means the holidays within that project typically get the 49.8%cost ratio <br /> from the State. Another thing to consider is the cost of structures can sometimes be more <br /> than the cost of a small beach nourishment project. There was a comment earlier that we <br /> may be able to afford a structure but not a project, that depends on what we are looking at. <br /> The permitting of that structure then within itself with the NEPA Environmental Impact <br /> Statement is a grueling process. Mayor Scholl said the argument would be that structures <br /> may have a longer term solution, the beach could all be gone within a year or two but the <br /> structure might have a longer life but that is what the State would hopefully tell us. Penny <br /> said right, and the sand when we do these sand replacements its sacrificial sand, a lot of <br /> municipalities like to look at it these days as maintaining the potholes from the roads. <br /> Commissioner Aelion said these are as advocacy too. The validity is basically when it is <br /> approached at a Federal level, he understands the permitting requires but as far as using <br /> 13 <br />
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