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2016-0121 Regular City Commission Meeting
City Clerk
City Commission Minutes
2016-0121 Regular City Commission Meeting
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3/2/2016 3:56:26 PM
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3/2/2016 3:56:23 PM
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting January 21,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> acoustics that we will present to you at the next presentation. <br /> Mr. Kline said when you get up to the top of the school there are learning gardens on the <br /> western side, and as we move up, these are the Seniors and Multi-Purpose rooms for City <br /> Hall. You have a capacity there as one room, or it can be subdivided with flexible moving <br /> walls that can seat up to 200 with catered kitchen, it can be a round table configuration, or it <br /> can be in a lecture series, each in excess of 200. On the western side of that floor is a small <br /> fitness area for the City. The next floor will be for civic expansion, a program that we still <br /> need to detail, and we will get to that in the next phase. The top three floors of the building <br /> are the office,roughly 10,000 square feet each. The real difference in the renderings you will <br /> see is that we increased the height of that component coming out on Collins Avenue to <br /> accommodate the escalators but he thinks it is very sympathetic to the existing Government <br /> Center in terms of the core elements reflecting the kind of dark granite that we have on the <br /> tower, white precast and an aluminum screen. On the southern side the glass will be as <br /> transparent as the Energy Code will allow us to make it, and as lightly reflected as possible. <br /> Commissioner Aelion asked if he made sure there was an amendment on the reduction of the <br /> sidewalk on the entrance to the west side of the new expansion to allow for buses to stop and <br /> unload kids while traffic can continue. He said we had spoken about it last time and you did <br /> actually amend it in the initial site plan drawing. Mr. Kline said we have an ability to have <br /> that bus drop off, and Commissioner Aelion said but it still is not enough,we spoke about it <br /> with staff and understood that yes, it is allowed by Code to reduce, because it is an internal <br /> street and so we can actually make the sidewalk narrower so that buses can go in kind of an <br /> inlet to drop the kids. Mr. Kline said we can do that and he thinks our other issue is that the <br /> site is 100 feet in the north/south. We have a garage entrance and so we have less than 70 <br /> feet to work with but we can certainly do that and bring that in. Our Architect is here and <br /> we can tell him to look at that width to make sure that the buses are accommodated. <br /> Commissioner Aelion said the other issue is on parking, the parking spaces are in line with <br /> the Code for the annex building. However, if there is a situation where we have an event in <br /> the theater, and another event by the seniors at the same time, will the parking suffice for <br /> both events? In other words, take a scenario that it is at full capacity, in the afternoon the <br /> offices are still operating,there is an event in the theater,plus there is an event of seniors at a <br /> gathering, do you take into account that there is enough parking for all of these events <br /> simultaneously happening? Salman Rathore said eventually he is going to be showing the <br /> shared parking that is acquired but lets say two events are happening at the same time and so <br /> that has to be planned and that is what we discussed with City staff and the City Manager. <br /> The idea was that you do not have two events happening at the same time,and so there has to <br /> be a certain planning that needs to happen. Commissioner Aelion said that means no. <br /> Commissioner Levin said you just gave us a new revised plan, including the one that we had <br /> before,and based on the one we were given before, it appeared that there was no way to walk <br /> from Collins Avenue to Atlantic Boulevard in the new property. But if you look at page 6 of <br /> this, there is clearly a way to walk through. Why did that change? Mr. Kline said the <br /> pedestrian passage now is going to be on the southern edge of the garage of Government <br /> Center. He asked Commissioner Levin if she was talking about the pedestrian passage from <br /> west to east,and Commissioner Levin said yes but on the expansion property. Mr.Kline said <br /> 14 <br />
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