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2016-0121 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2016-0121 Regular City Commission Meeting
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3/2/2016 3:56:26 PM
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3/2/2016 3:56:23 PM
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting January 21,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> yes, there was a time when we tried to have that pedestrian passage in between the existing <br /> and the new project. What we found was that the quality of the space with all the utilities <br /> and infrastructure made it unpleasant. We didn't think it was the kind of pedestrian passage <br /> that would commensurate with the quality of Government Center,and so we moved it to the <br /> south, and it is now on the site plan. <br /> Commissioner Levin said she was looking at the site plan that you gave us before and she <br /> met with staff and it was a particular question that she asked because she was looking at it <br /> and it looked like a roof overhang between the two properties, the north side of this building <br /> and the south side of where the other building is. She specifically asked Ms. Hasbun is this <br /> locked,you can't walk from Collins Avenue to Atlantic Boulevard,and she looked and there <br /> was all this equipment in there and so you could not walk west to east, east to west on the <br /> new property. Mr. Kline said that is correct. Commissioner Levin said but now on this Site <br /> Plan it looks like there is a walkway there, and Mr. Kline said no, it is for service only. <br /> Commissioner Levin asked what would prevent someone from walking in there, and Mr. <br /> Kline said we are going to have it gated on the east and the west side. <br /> Salman Rathore, Project Manager from the Corradino Group,said we are going to be talking <br /> about the Traffic Impact Study and Shared Parking Analysis for the Project,and he continued <br /> with the PowerPoint presentation. With the Traffic Impact Analysis the reason is that we <br /> want to be able to look at the impact of current and future traffic based on the proposed <br /> Project. This is a Mixed-Use project with a Middle School, General Office Building, <br /> Performing Arts, Civic Center/Fitness Area/Senior Facility. Before he started the analysis, <br /> they met with different stakeholders so they could understand the project. They met with <br /> City Staff and the Architect to understand the project,different land uses,shared parking,and <br /> met with the City Police to understand the school traffic flow,bottlenecks,different timings <br /> that would be beneficial from a school operations point of view. <br /> Mr. Rathore said they met with the School Principal and got an idea of current and future <br /> enrollment, anticipated future enrollment, drop-off and pick-up timing issues. They have <br /> three (3)buses which cater to about 250 to 300 students, and they also met with the Miami- <br /> Dade County School Board so they could discuss the project in general,and in particular,the <br /> staggered school timing options for Middle School. <br /> Mr.Rathore said data was collected from a total of eleven(11)intersections on December 1, <br /> 2015, eight (8) were un-signalized, and three (3) were signalized intersections. It revealed <br /> that by collecting data on a certain day and time that it represented the most conservative <br /> peak conditions. In the Traffic Analysis they looked at existing conditions,what is out there <br /> currently,the current impact on traffic on the resounding traffic network. As far as existing <br /> conditions, he spent half a day in the field with the Police Officers looking at the incoming <br /> school traffic, arrival, departure, observed the traffic in the morning and midday. They saw <br /> that Police presence was there and there were school crossing guards present. In the morning <br /> it was about 25 to 30 minutes when the traffic was dispersed, and in the midday it was about <br /> 40 to 45 minutes when the traffic would disperse. The results of the existing conditions,five <br /> (5)of the intersections were highlighted out of the eleven(11)which had at least one failing <br /> approach that needs to be looked at further. <br /> 15 <br />
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