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AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 330 <br />(1/2004) <br />MANDATORY USE DATE OF FORM 6/2004 <br />i. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />Downtown Boca Raton Traffic Study <br />Boca Raton, Florida <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2015 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />N/A <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Project Manager and Traffic Engineer for the preparation of a traffic study at the intersection of Palmetto Park Road <br />and NE/SE 5th Avenue which examined the safety and the operation of the intersection of Palmetto Park Road and <br />NE/SE 5th Avenue and seven other surrounding intersections and enumerated at least three viable improvement <br />concept plans. The alternative analysis included quantitative and qualitative elements such as Safety, Context <br />Sensitivity, Capacity, Benefit Cost and Fatal Flaw analysis as well as the evaluation of bridge preemption and signal <br />coordination with the subject intersection. CGA’s fees: $50,000. <br />j. <br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) <br />City of Key West ULDR Update and Complete Streets Manual <br />Key West, FL <br />(2) YEAR COMPLETED <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />2015 <br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable) <br />N/A <br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm <br />Traffic Engineer for complete rewrite of the City’s Land Development Regulations. The key areas of focus for the <br />project included the incorporation of n ew standards, programs, and processes related to Complete Streets, Parking, <br />Transportation Demand Management, Affordable Workforce Housing, Signage, Landscape, Urban Design, Green <br />Building and Adaptation Planning and Disaster Planning. CGA’s fees: $143,700. <br />24