<br />(1/2004)
<br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm
<br />Program Manager and Quality Control Officer for the Design Build professional services associated with the
<br />conversion of span-wire supported traffic signal at 35 intersections all over Broward County. This project is currently
<br />under the design stages. CGA along with Horsepower Electric is providing engineering and design services, plans
<br />preparation, field survey, utility coordination, permitting, public involvement, coordination with adjoining projects,
<br />minor roadway reconstruction and paving, signing and pavement marking, ADA compliant sidewalk reconstruction,
<br />traffic signal construction, installation of underground conduit and interconnect cable, installation of monitoring
<br />devices (video detection), installation of vehicle pre-emption systems , as built record plans, and warranty necessary
<br />to provide the traffic signalization improvements in accordance with Broward County and Florida Department of
<br />Transportation specifications. CGA’s fees: $2,025,000.
<br />e.
<br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State)
<br />City of Cooper City Traffic Engineer Services
<br />Cooper City, FL
<br />2015
<br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable)
<br />N/A
<br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm
<br />Traffic Engineer on this Continuing Services Contract serving as Engineer of Record for traffic eng ineering task work
<br />orders. Provided a variety of traffic and transportation engineering services including intersection analysis,
<br />signalization analysis and design, roundabout analysis and design, roadway level of service analysis, public school
<br />traffic operational analysis, city-wide traffic modeling, city-wide traffic count database maintenance, corridor signal
<br />timing progression analysis, traffic calming and neighborhood traffic mitigation, responded to citizen inquiries and
<br />coordinated the interests of the City with Broward County Traffic Engineering Division, FDOT District IV and other key
<br />stakeholder government agencies. CGA’s fees: $50,000.
<br />f.
<br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State)
<br />Transportation Manager-City of Fort Lauderdale
<br />Fort Lauderdale, FL
<br />2012
<br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable)
<br />N/A
<br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm
<br />Transportation Manager for the City of Fort Lauderdale Transportation and Mobility Department managing the traffic
<br />engineering, transportation planning and traffic design program. Developed the Uptown Link and Route Extensions for
<br />the Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Associations’ Citywide Sun Trolley community bus
<br />service, developed and submitted relevant grant applications for transportation and transit projects including TIGER,
<br />Transportation Enhancement, EPA Green Streets and FTA New Freedom, developed the key citywi de long-range
<br />transportation plan including the 2015-2035 comprehensive strategic multimodal program entitled Connecting the
<br />Blocks- Creating Options for Moving People, created the City’s Complete Streets Guidelines and managed the citywide
<br />review of all transportation elements of the Development Review Committee to determine traffic impacts for new
<br />development projects in the City. CGA’s fees: $200,000.
<br />g.
<br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State)
<br />Town Traffic Engineer Services
<br />Surfside, FL
<br />2015
<br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable)
<br />N/A
<br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm
<br />Town Traffic Engineer on this Continuing Services Contract serving as Engineer of Record for traffic engineering task
<br />work orders. Provided comprehensive traffic engineering services including intersection analysis, signalization
<br />analysis and design, roundabout analysis and design, roadway level of service analysis, public school traffic
<br />operational analysis, city-wide traffic modeling, city-wide traffic count database maintenance, corridor signal timing
<br />progression analysis, traffic calming and neighborhood traffic mitigation, reviewed site plan appli cations with respect
<br />to traffic engineering impacts, responded to citizen inquiries and coordinated the interests of the City with Miami Dade
<br />County Public Works Department Traffic Engineering Division, FDOT District VI and other key stakeholder
<br />government agencies. CGA’s fees: $50,000.
<br />h
<br />(1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State)
<br />City Traffic Engineer Services
<br />Pembroke Pines, FL
<br />2015
<br />CONSTRUCTION (if applicable)
<br />N/A
<br />(3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE Check if project performed with current firm
<br />City Traffic Engineer on this Continuing Services Contract serving as Engineer of Record for traffic engineering task
<br />work orders. Provided a variety of traffic and transportation engineering services including intersection analysis,
<br />signalization analysis and design, roundabout analysis and design, roadway level of service analysis, public school
<br />traffic operational analysis, city-wide traffic modeling, city-wide traffic count database maintenance, corridor signal
<br />timing progression analysis, traffic calming and neighborhood traffic mitigation, responded to citizen inquiries and
<br />coordinated the interests of the City with Broward County Traffic Engineering Division, FDOT District IV and other key
<br />stakeholder government agencies. CGA’s fees: $100,000.
<br />23