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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting June 16,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> Public Speakers: Former Commissioner Gerry Goodman; Sylvia Busch; Harvey Busch; <br /> Dennis Stubbolo; Mark Kanevsky <br /> Mayor Scholl called up the public speakers who were all in favor of the Social Seniors and <br /> did not understand what had happened that the City stopped payments to them. Dennis <br /> Stubbolo,President of the Social Seniors,thanked the Commission for their support and said <br /> they would accept all the guidelines except for guideline No. 10, at this time. They never <br /> sent out mailing lists to their members,they only have some email addresses and some phone <br /> numbers. When they register in October for the new season, at that time they will collect <br /> addresses of the members and give the City a copy. <br /> Mayor Scholl said some years back we had agreed to fund the Social Seniors$10,000 a year <br /> to support their cause,and the Social Seniors have done a very good job of building up a base <br /> of participants. Because we are taking the money out of the public treasury, part of the <br /> stipulation of the funding was that the Social Seniors had to give a spread sheet of their <br /> financial activity to our Finance Director on an occasional basis. The other stipulation we <br /> put on it, and whether it was in writing or not, what remains to be seen is that we had a cap <br /> on how much could be taken out in a salary or any kind of compensation for one of the <br /> officers, and that was $400 a month or $4,800. What had happened was we received the <br /> spread sheet in April and we saw a payment on there that didn't seem proper and so we <br /> immediately stopped funding and we called the Social Seniors. We said let's figure out what <br /> happened here and they came in with their accountant. The accountant took responsibility <br /> for giving them the direction to make the payment that way which was probably not how we <br /> would have liked to have seen it in a not-for-profit that has City funding. But during that <br /> conversation we also got some clarity that there might have been some misunderstanding <br /> between the City and the Social Seniors about some of the guardrails that were up regarding <br /> that funding. Of course when we did that, like most things that happen, a lot of this got <br /> misconstrued by a lot of folks. In any case what we decided to do was staff then engaged and <br /> said okay let's just be clear what the guardrails are and we will be fine if we can all agree to <br /> that funding and going forward, and so that is what this is all about. With that in mind, <br /> Dennis Stubbolo made a point about not having a complete roster of members, and that is <br /> fine. The point is if you can provide us with what you have, the times that you have it, he <br /> doesn't have any problem with making a modification to Item No. 10. <br /> Commissioner Goldman said she is a huge supporter and an advocate,and a fan of the Social <br /> Seniors. She remembers how the Social Seniors have evolved through the CAC and she <br /> profoundly believes the importance of having Seniors programming and activities,currently <br /> and obviously at the point which we have stationery,a real permanent location where we can <br /> have more programs and events. She is a fundamental believer in all that goes with Social <br /> Seniors. Of course from the vantage point of the Commission we want to see basic <br /> transparency and basic accountability, and all of those components have to work together, <br /> support, advocacy, transparency and accountability. <br /> Commissioner Aelion said since the City's inception,there has been efforts to have a Seniors <br /> program. Credit goes to the present group headed by Dennis who built up this group from a <br /> few members to over 300 members that we have today. He echoed the Mayor's sentiments. <br /> 8 <br />