<br />-~~ 4" ....y event within 15 days after Tenant's receipt of written
<br />,notice by Lessor
<br />
<br />.............., pay these charges and theY ahal I I
<br />lJtilitie~~u be separately metered at Lessor's sole ellpense.
<br />
<br />TENTH: secURITY INTEREST: Th. .aid l..... h.reby pI.dg.s and ,j"'gn. to the l.,sor .11 iii.
<br />'u'nilure, li.lur.., goolls 'nd chan.ls 01 said l...... Which .h.II or may b. brought or put on .aid pr.mises as
<br />security for the payment 01 Il,. ront h.roln resetlled. and th. le".e .gr... that th. .ald lien m.y b. .nlorc.d by
<br />d;.lress (.nd l..... \V.ives all right. to require los.or to POst bend), lor.closur. or othetwis. .t tho .'ection 01 tile
<br />$i.lld Lessor
<br />
<br />by lire or ulh.r C"u.'ty during 'h.lif. 01 1111. agr..ment. whereby th. .am. .h.1I be render.d unte ,en 111
<br />le.,or .hall halll, the right to r.nder .ald pr.mls.. t.nantobl. by ropllirs within '. . th.r.from. II s~,
<br />pt.m".s .r. not~dnd.r.d t.nantabl.Will1in .oId tim.. it sha" b. optional '.r Po1ny h.,.to to canc.'lI1i. I..se
<br />and ,n tho .v.nt ol.uCh canc.llation th. r.nt .holl b. paid e date 01 .uch lir. or easu.'ty. Th. cancolloll",
<br />het.in menhon.d .h." b. .vld.nced In \NTltin .tanding anythIng to tho c;ontnlty contained h.reln, lessee
<br />'h.1I be lequireo' to pay all re .rating exp.n... during any period in Which the premis.. ar. renderec
<br />unlen.nl.lile, eilh .or OWn 'oUrc. of lund. or throW'~ 19l"r~6Rfi!~ge Which le....: is
<br />
<br />r "<within 15 days fran receiPt of written notice from Lessor unless thE
<br />~s6iTH: DEFAULT: The prompl paym.nt 01 th. rent for said pillm/ses Upon the dat.s named.;b~d
<br />Ih. "'Ihlul obs.tvil';c. of th. rul.. and r.gulations prinl.d upon this lea.., and which are h.reby mad. a part of tili.
<br />coven.nt, and Of'sJCh olh.r .nd lurth., IU/.. or r.gUI.tions as m.y b. h.r.afte, mad. by the L.ssor. ar. th.
<br />condition. upon which the I.... i. m'd. and acoepted and any f.ilur. on the part of the L..... to Comply with tho
<br />term. of ..id I."~,~r any 01 said rul.. and r.gul'Uon. now In exiot.nc., or ~hich fila\', b, ~.roatl.fgr~rj&c' by the
<br />Lessor, 'h.II.llhe orlion 01 l...or, constitut. a d.faUllulld.rJlli. I..s,. FaIlure or LeSSOr I
<br />by its obliglitlons shall ccnstitute a deraUlt by LeSSOr.
<br />seVENTH: ABANDONMENT: If th. l.ss.. shall abandon or vacat. said pl.mises b.for. th. end
<br />of lhe lernl of this I.a... or s~all suff.r th. r.nt to b. in .rr.a... th. l..sor may, at it> option, lorthwith caneel this
<br />I..,. or e"ter saip ,pr.mis.. a. tho a~.nl 01 Ih. l..s.., without b.ing lIabl. in any Wily th.r.for,' and r.'.t tho
<br />premi... wllh Or without any turnitur. th.t may b. th.r.'n. as 111. .g.nt ot th. L...... at such prlc. and upon sUOn
<br />Ic..n. and lor .ucli durallon ot tim. as 111. l...or may d.t.rmin.. and r.c.ive Ih. r.nltherelor. applyin~ th. Slm. ,'0
<br />Ih. P'ymenl 01 te~1 duo by th.se ",.sent.. and if tho lull r.ntol hor.in "'""id.d shaU n<>t b. r.allzed by l.ssor o....r ,
<br />M" .bov. Ih. exp.n... '0 Le..or In ,uCh rOo/.Wng, 111. .ald l..... .holl p.y any d.r,elency, l.ssor sh.1I n<>t b. !
<br />""b'. 10 lns.c in the .v.nt ot .ny ..c.... Notwllhstanding le....'s abandonm..,1 or l...o~s acc.ptanc. th.reof, r
<br />l."ce 'h." b. r.'ponsibl. to .all.ly any and all obligations du.1o L."or und.r th.l.rms of this I..... ~
<br />
<br />E1CHTH: COLlECTlO~~'.\l\.~~J:sts ot collocUons .nd anome)"s f..s incurr~d ~
<br />~ in tho cvent 01 any br...h 01 this I..s. by 1o#.,U.. This prolli.ion shoji apply 10 .11 l>i.1 and app.lI.1. M
<br />ploce.ding.,..L..<<... ',- ....,.... /I r'g~"1 . .;. r ,I-H- R')'. f:*':.e~~'';~~'''Party i
<br />
<br />NfNTH: UTILITIES: Th. Le.... .gr... that h. will pay all charg.. for rent. g.s, electricity or other in
<br />,1Ivnllnallon, rubbISH r.mova" and for all wat.r uS.d On ..id pr.mls.s, .s w.1I a. any and allla.lI.biIW.., and should
<br />.... ",.... ,. '~<;"~'. .~". ,.- -. -...... .....~ ,.. ..".. ...., ...~""". 'F '.
<br />Ihe 'p.co 013D days .rr.r sam. shall have b.com. du., the L.ssor may, at Its option"",,,:, U, .'~ .le...~_ "'5
<br />
<br />a
<br />
<br />
<br />eL~veNTH: lESSOR'S ACCESS: Th. Le..er. or any of hi. ag.nts. shall h.va th. righl to .nt.r
<br />..id pr.mis.s during, ~I( r.a.onabl. hours, to -min. th. 'a",. to malee Such r.pa'n;. IIddiUons or all.rlltion. a. may
<br />be deomcd necessaryf',r th. sal.ty, oomfort, or pr.'.rvauon thereot. er ot .ald bUilding. or 10 exhibit said pr.ml...,
<br />.nd to put or ke.p upori th. d_s or windows thereot a noUc. "FOR RENT" at any Um. within sl. (O) month. b.fot.
<br />tl1. ..pir.lion ot lili. ,...~. The righl of entry sha/llik.wi.e ..isl tOI th. purpose of remOVIng pl.cards, sign., IiJCtur...
<br />allerations, or addilioM; ich do not conlolm.lo this agr..m.nl, or to tho rul.. and r.gu/aUons of th. bUilding.
<br />' r ariy extensIons. i
<br />TW!:lFTH: ACCEPTANCE OF PREMISES AND REPAIR: l.ssee her.by acc.pt> the pr.mis.s in
<br />the condition th.y a,p h at tho b.sinnlng ot this I.... and .gr..s 10 mainlaln said pr.mis.s In th. sam. condlUon,
<br />orde, OM r.pair.. thOi' ~r. al tho comm.nc.m.nt ot Slid lerm, ....pting only reasonabl. W.ar and tear arising Irom
<br />l,~e u.. ther.o' und.r;lhl. agr..m.nt. .nd 10 mak. gOod 10 said Lessor imm.dlately upon d.mand. any dam.g. to
<br />waler 'Pp.'.lus. or electric lighls or any fixtur., applianc.. or appurtenanc.s 01 .aid pr'mlses, or of the bUilding,
<br />C'U..d by .ny act or neg'.ct 01 l....., or 01 any p.rson or person I in th. employ. und.r tho conltol of the L....., or
<br />. bu"ne.. invil.. ot I~. 'l...... IIl.....,.lu... or n.gl.ctl to r.palr tho I.ased promi... as r.quired h.r.under to
<br />lh. rea.onalil. satisla~lic'n 01 th. leuor as Scon a. r."onobly PO"'bl. alt., wrin.n d.mand. L.ssor m.y mek. SUch
<br />"pairs Wilhout li.liility, to L..... lor any Iou Or damage that may occur to l.....'. m.rchandise, r,""'r.., or ollto,
<br />P,op.rty, or to l.ss..'s ",uSln... by r."on thereOf. and upon compl.ijon ther.ol. l.ss.e shall p'y a. addltion., r.nl
<br />Leosor'. COst tor m.king 'uch r.p.irs pIaos tit, (2.%)~. c, I I _. ,/,...., upon pr.s.ntation 01 a bill thereror.
<br />0,," bill .11." includ. i~lcre$1 "'h. high..t I.gal rat. on .ald COsI Irom tho dalo of compl.tion 01 r.p.lrs by lossor.
<br />
<br />rr
<br />o
<br />It
<br />~
<br />
<br />THII~rEENTH: INSTALLATION SY TENANT: Ail P.rsonalty Install.d by Tonant 'ho" b. new or
<br />compl.'a'y r.eondiUoned. T.nant sh.1I not mak., or CIlU.. to b. made, any Int.rlor alt.rationl, addition. ot
<br />,mprovemcnll or inst.oll, 0, cau.. 10 b. In.ta".d, any OIl.rlor .igns. ut.ri"r 1i9~Ung. plumbing liX1llr.s, .had.. or
<br />awnings or make any ch.nges to tho storo front without lirst obtaining l...o~s writt.n approval an. con..nl T.n.nt
<br />.hall pres.nt to tho lessor plan. an. 'pecilicaijon. for Work at th. time approval is SoUghl
<br />' Exceot: for any damlsa.. IPsa or claim arising"
<br />FOURTEENTH: HOLD HARMlESS:llt i" dpr.uly 8gr... an.rllii'derslcod by and b.tw..n the ..
<br />?art'.. to Ih" .gr.eme,nl, that tho l."or. Its principals. .mploy.... agents and all affilial.d or relal.d own.rshil'/l ~
<br />enl't'c. 'ha" nol be IIabl. to l..... for any damage or Injury by wat.r. or wal.r I.epag.. any damag. or inju'Yc ~
<br />re,ulling from tho c.r%"n..., negllgenc.. or Implop.r c;onducI On the part of any other Tenant or ag.nts, 01'"
<br />ompioyees, .ny damage by r.'son 01 th. breakag.. leakage. or obsl>Ucllon of th. waler. I.w.r or soil pipes, Or oth.,:::
<br />le.k.ye In or about the sold building. N.ither th. L...or nell L'''of. ~g.nb .hall b. te,po~~lbl. for any. damagesif
<br />ca",o. hy, or growing ou,! 01, any br.akag., leakag.. or dot.el/ve ""ndltion 01 th. .'.clrlcal winn~, air conditIoning Of 0
<br />"eat'nj PIp., and .qUiplTi~nt, plumbing, appliances. .prinkJer.. ou'er f8cJ/iti.. or oth.r .quipm.nt, ..t'VIng .... I......; ...
<br />prem".;,' Neilh.r Lossor nor L...o~s ag.nt. 'ha" b. liable lor any damag.. cau... by. or grcwln~ ~UI of: any de"'~ i
<br />,n Ih. ~hoppin9 C.nter or .ny part th.r.ot, or In said l....d Pr.ml... 0' any part Ih~reol of tl,e. n>ln, Wind ~r oth., ~
<br />c.use. Lessor. ils prine;pni" employe.., Og.nts and a" .ffill.t.d or r.'.ted owners/lOp .ntIU" shall no! be h.ble 10 rr
<br />,",~, ". "" ~ "" '"'~... ".m .~ ~ " "_.. ''"~, _."... ..,,"_.~, _" "'''"' ~" ~ j
<br />
<br />C"'....
<br />III ...
<br />S!!<!l
<br />o ~
<br />., n
<br />
<br />2
<br />