<br />. !'IFTEENTH: BANKRUPTcY: /I Ih. l..... shall ~ec:om. In.iolvont '" ir ban~rupll:y prec..di,
<br />.h..1I b. boaun by or ag~'nstth. l....., b.fore th. .nd or saId I.rm th. l...or ISlh.r.by Irr.vooably author/z.d al
<br />OPhun, 10 rortriwilhoa,no.lli>ls I..... .s ror. d.r.ull l.ssor m.y el.<t to -eptrent f""" suoh receIVer truste.
<br />CIll.r,iUdiol.' o((jo.t during Ih. lerm or thol, -upanty in their liduci.ry o.pacity WithoUt .ffecUng leno;s right.;
<br />,0nl.ln.u In 1I1is 'o~tra'l. but no r.o.iver. trustee or oth., judicl., offic.r shall ever have any righi, tiU. or inler.st iri
<br />10 the .bov. d.'c'i~.d prop.rty by Virtu. 01 this oonlr.n le"or shall .1.0 bc grant.d immediat. reli.' from a,
<br />"ppl'cable autom.lI, slay 10 see~ evIction or other r.m.dies or shalllib""'e ~. enuU.d to.n obtain order autnorizlr
<br />· r'Je,"on 0' Ihy I.;'se .llh. lesso,.s oPUon which may limit tne T.nant Irom m.'ntainlng Poss.ssion 01 tn. premise
<br />nOtwithst.ndlng, tn. inslllullon of b.nkruplcy, In th. .v.nt L."or Is r.qulred to ...roi.. .ny rights und.r th
<br />pa"9";>11, l.ss.e agr..s 10 imm.dial.ly oonsont to any and all 01 th. r.liol requesled by l."or.
<br />
<br />I SIXTEENTH: ACCORD AND SATISFACTION: No paymenl by l...... or r.c.ipt by L.ssor. Of;
<br />i'''.r amounl Ihan .the monthly r.nt herein sUpulat.d shall b. deemed to b. oth., thllll on aCCount 01 the earii.s
<br />'''pulal.d renl, nori shall any .ndors.m.nl or .tat.m.nt or .ny check or any "lIer aoCOmpanylng .ny ch.ck :0'
<br />P.ym.nl a, r.nl b., d"med .n aooord .nd S.U.,aclion. and l.nor may aco.pl SUch oheck or payment withou:
<br />prejudIce 10 l... ,,.. tighllo r.covcr Ih. balanc. 01 ,uch rent or Pursue any oth.r r.medy provided her./n or by law. I
<br />
<br />l..... to keep and pertorm any ollhe lerma, eov.nants and oendition. of Ihia I.... 10 b. k orm.d by
<br />l....., th.n the les.or al its option may. .ppropriale and apply .aid .nUr. d. muoh th.r,of aa may b.
<br />n.'....ry. 10 comp.n,.I. th.l..sor lor all Iou or damage SUI .r.d by l..aor duo to .U<:~ br.a.~ on iii.
<br />parl 0' L......~hould l..... comply with .11 . a, cov"'.nts 'nd .0ndiUons and prOmpuy pay aU 0' the
<br />'.n'ol h.r.in provid." ror aa II 'all . . olh.r 'uma payabl. by l..... 10 le..or h.r.und.r, the said depo.it
<br />'h. II b. r.lurned ' oul J,,'.r...t,. 10 L..... .t the .nd Ol.tn. lerm 0' thi. I.as.. provIded th. leased pr.m/,';.
<br />
<br />EIGHTEENTH: BINDING TERMS: Thla .enlract shall bind the L'''or and ils aSSign, or
<br />'bce.sso", and the hei", '''igns, p.,.ona'r.pr..enlativ.., or SUcce.,ots as the oa.e may be. 01 the L.ss.e,
<br />
<br />NINETEENTH: TIME OF ESSENCE: It is understood and agreed b.tween the parti.s hereto that
<br />1,m. IS 01 the e"ence '" this conlraol and thIs applies to all t.'m. and condiUons conlained herein.
<br />
<br />TWENTIETH: NOTICE: It i. und.rstood and agreed b.tween the parti.. hereto thai writt.n nouc~
<br />mali.d. faxed or d.livbr'd to Ihe premis.a I....d her.under shall conaUM. surllcl.nl notioe 10 the L.ss.. upop
<br />*~, tr.nsmi..ion or deliv.ry. Writt.n notioe mailed via c.rtili.d mall. return r.c.ipl reque.ted, or deliv.r.d to th~
<br />or'i,. 01 lh. Le.,o, '~all consutut. 'ufficl.nl nolice 10 th. l,ssQ,-~pon rec:.ill!e.!r oomp/y with th. term, 01 this
<br />contract *rec.,;pt via certified lIIail, return receIpt: reque "
<br />
<br />TWENTY -FIRST: NUISANCE; Tenant shall nol oommllany wasl. uPOn th. I....d pr.mis.. or any
<br />nuisan'o or oth.r a.t or thing Whloh m.y dJaturb tho qui.1 .njoym.nt 01 any other T.nant alth. S~oppfng C.nt.r. or
<br />",hoeh may OUV.rsely .rr.ct L...o,-. fee inter.'l/n tn. l....d Pr.mia.. or In th. Shoppfng C.nler. No lOUdspeakers:
<br />pllunoliraphs, m.ohiner~, m.chonic.1 apperatua, Of oth.r d.v'c.a ahall be u'.d or allow.d to oP."'I. in . mann.r sa
<br />;" 10 U. h.ard or 'e'n .ulsi.. 01 Ih.I....d pr.ml,e, wilhout th. prior wrmon con.ent of tho Le.,or. ,
<br />
<br />TWe'llTY-SECOND: lEsSOR's RIGHTS: Th. right. of th. l...or under this I..,. .hall be
<br />'umul.liv., .nd 'alfu'. on the port 01 Ihe l."or 10 ex",o;,. prompUy any rights giv.n hereund.r shall nol operal. a. .
<br />wa,ller o( iJny of Lenor's rights,
<br />,I
<br />
<br />1 een , , % 01 op."'tIng exp.n..s IncUrt.d durIn IS leas., Op.r.ting
<br />upense, includ.. bu~ are not Iimiiid 10: real estate Iax.a. 01 ma ntenanc., Le..o,.s lir. and ""'.nded
<br />cover.g. and publio liabllily Insuranc. .nto, applicable charges fo, all utl/IU... ....t., and '.wer, an~
<br />managem.nl of . ym.nls for said additional rent shall be made monthly. bas.d on the previous yea",
<br />""'-".. ~ii~ ~.,-' '-t '''iI' ~1 .....~"JftA-1 ~&IRl.MlUy.
<br />
<br />i
<br />TWF.NTY-FOURTH: INSURANCE: Th. L..... sh.1I mainlaln With r"p.ct to the '..s.d pr.mis.s
<br />and Ihe property 01 ",'>johlh. I.as.d pr.mis.s are a part. oomme",ial general liability In.uranc. in amounts of not less
<br />than the rOllowing limits;
<br />General aggr.gat. limit (other than producls<omp'ated Ope",Uons) _ $$00.000,
<br />P(OdlJc~';-(;ompleted opcr.Uons aggregate limit _ $500,000,
<br />Personai .na advertJsing injury limit ~ $500,000,
<br />Each,oC::C;:14trence limit - JS90,oOO
<br />Fire (laOl.ag. limit - 5100,000 ..ny one fire,
<br />Medic':al e~pens. Jlmit - S5,000 any one p.r~on,
<br />Piale g/i... Ooverag. . in amounls ,urri.l.n~ to OOVer replac.m.nt of any and all plat.
<br />91." in Ica'.d premi,.,: I ,
<br />Wilh re,j,onsible cOh'panles qUllllned 10 do bus/n... in th. Slat. of,Florfda Who ar. Well rate~ by a
<br />rcc09'l;.od nationai 'aling organizalion 01 nol la.. than AAA "'er.'n in,uring th. l'..or a. W.II .. l..... agalnot
<br />'nJury 10 PO"on, 0' daMas' 10 property .a provi~.d, In addition to ..,. above r.reren..d./n.urane. ~varag., le..ee :
<br />shall tic requir.d 10 manlain property oov.rag. In the amount of $2$0,000 (whICh musl tnclude bUSlne.. Int.'r:upUon ,
<br />cover.g., which includes "aym.nt 01 all renl and op.rating "'Pen... to leSSor) 0' a sUfflc/enl amounl to proVld. lor
<br />'he ..placom.nt 01 aU filrniture, II",ur... and .quipm.nlln th.I..s. premiseS, p/u. .lIlmprov.m.nls .0mpl.l.d 'n the
<br />leased p{emise~, inc;luding Lessor's tenant Improvement Work.
<br />The Le'''e ,hall depea" with th. l..,o, .ertin...l.. for such Insurance at or prIor to the
<br />eommeno.ment Of Ih. l.rrl', and th.reafl.r Within thirty (30) days prior to th. "'pi"'tion 01 any SUch POlicies. All ~uCh
<br />murane. C.rtitlo'l.s shall prOVide that such polioi.. shall not be canoe/.d without al I...t Ion (10) days p,'or writt.n
<br />notice 10 .ae~ insur.u ,ham. th.r.in in.'ud/ng L'uor. Th. Lessor must be name.d aa addIUom.' Inaure" On any
<br />,n'urance policy, In,urinoe must b. In force at th. .omm.nc.m.nt 01 Ihelerm of lhls lease. Failur. to comply w,lIt
<br />this prOvision will be c:on:sidered a violation of this lease and
<br />
<br />3
<br />