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<br />( <br /> <br />regarding possession of tobacco products by underage persons within <br />approximately one half mile of a public or private school or in other areas where <br />youth congregate. The Statement of Work attached as an Addendum to this contract <br />more fully and completely sets forth the overview and specifics relating to the SPTE <br />Program. <br /> <br />5. COSTS AND EXPENSES:Any law enforcement agency which furnishes <br />equipment pursuant to this contract shall bear any loss or damage to such <br />equipment and shall pay any expense incurred in its operation and maintenance. <br />Each agency shall be responsible for its own expenses incurred during the course <br />of any investigation unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both DABT and the <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />Each party agrees to furnish necessary p~r.sonnel, equipment, resources and <br />facilities and to render services under the contract as required. All expenses <br />normally associated with the employment of personnel, such as salary, travel <br />expenses, per diem and other benefits, shall be borne by the employing agency. In <br />the event equipment is loaned from one party to another pursuant to this contract, <br />the borrowing party agrees to bear any costs pertaining to use, damage, or loss of <br />the equipment. <br />Time and travel costs incurred in testifying in any hearing or court <br />appearance generated as a result of any SPTE investigation and directly related to <br />the enforcement of Florida's tobacco statutes will be compensated in the manner <br />that is customary for witnesses and mileage and will be in accordance with Section <br />112.061, Florida Statutes. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />6. SUPERVISION: Supervision of the personnel assigned to this <br />investigation shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Responsibility for the <br />conduct of individual employees, agents, and/or operatives required to implement <br />this contract will be with the CONTRACTOR'S agency head or his designated <br />supervisor. Responsibility for the conduct of DABT employees shall rest with the <br />Director of DABT. <br />The negotiation and execution of this contract by DABT in Tallahassee is <br />handled by the State Contract Manager. The CONTRACTOR will appoint an Agency <br />Contract Coordinator for the duration of the contract who will serve as DABT's <br />primary point of contact with the CONTRACTOR. DABT will assign a Special Agent <br />or supervisor as the DABT District Contract Administrator who will have overall <br />coordination and management responsibility under this contract. The DABT District <br />Contract Administrator will be responsible for training, site selection, operational <br />oversight, report review, program and payment audit, and records management. The <br />DABT District Contract Administrator will be the sole point of contact with the <br />CONTRACTOR for the resolution of problems, contract or program interpretation, <br />or contract modification. Appeals of decisions made by the DABT State Contract <br />3 <br />