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<br />Municipal <br /> <br />True <br /> <br />Lease <br /> <br />Agreement <br /> <br />Lessor: <br /> <br />.......... ~ <br />~ ~...". ~ <br />-..... ~ -... .... <br />......... ~ <br /> <br />--. -..-.. .-...... <br />~ ~.......~ -~ ~ <br />- ~ ,...., --.... -....... ~ <br />. - ." ------ ~ <br />., -A TOSHIBA CO,,",PANY- <br /> <br />~Ol 1 SW JOh A.e. <br />Oeerfield aeac~, FL 33J~2 <br />Phone 954. .123. 13CD <br />Fax: 954AdO.6713 <br /> <br />AGREEMENT NU~,19E~ <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />CUSTOMER INFORMA TION <br /> <br />This document is written in "Plain English". The words you and your reler to the customer. The words Lessor, we, us and our refer <br />:0 Copyco. Every attempt has been made to eliminate confuSing language and create a simple, easy-to-read document. <br /> <br />-'..;lll,.eG~L NAME OF' CUSTCYci=' <br /> <br />{ " -\- u () ~ <br />~I'" \ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />s-~SO <br /> <br />:,1"'f <br /> <br />sr..r: <br /> <br />ZIP <br /> <br />:C:Uh'UENr LOCAT;ON <'F O'FFERENT FRO" "80'IE' <br /> <br />. ,... ...., . <br /> <br />I 6S7 \, Ie 4 0 <br />/ I ,c//1 ,'c,h~ ( N\3100 b <br />! ! s L-,2 LCt\troL to..! <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />LEASE TERMS LEASE PA YMENT AMOUNT SECURITY DEPOSIT <br /> <br />60 <br /> <br />b 0 Payments at S t.f7D, 00 <br />(plus app/;cacfe taxesJ <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />ReC~ived <br /> <br />To!rm in Months <br /> <br />(mas) <br /> <br />Lease Payment ::Jer:od IS Monthly <br />Unless Other.,vise I ndlca ~ed <br /> <br />(plUS aoplicable taxes) <br /> <br />THIS IS A NONCANCELABLE I IRREVOCABLE LEASE, THIS LEASE CANNOT BE CANCELED OR TERMINATED. <br /> <br />SAND CONDmONS (THIS AGflEE~ENT CONTAINS PROVISIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE. AlL OF WHICH ARE MACE A PART OF lHIS AGREEMEIIT) <br /> <br />:_~TIRE '\GR::\.fE~r r~.s :"'~ase ':Cr.S:ltl..t!S ~r:e '!r":Jr4! 3.;"':""e": :o!C"Ne!" ~l":e oa~''!s ~e~a.::'ing :,..~ =.:l..=tT'l!~r. ird t~er~ .)r-!"'::! :::'"-e~ .~::::'es~"':a:.cns.""a:,,-a('tL'!s. ,;r:~IS~S. ;u3nnre:eS,Jr -l~r~e_""'er.ts. cnJ:t' <br />('t~~~. l!X~r~5S~oj, cr ,n"oChee ~-!t""eer: ,he ;J3nleS ~er~10 -N~:'" rl!Scec: ~J :l"'~ L9a5e ~r ::-l! ~-:'.J';:r."'i!N :"10 -~ce!"ca':r.:n ::If ali.p.r"~r:"er': :""-:!l'$':f St"3,1I :~ :H'Cln~ '...Ct:,1 t~e less::;r unless '1"ace:n Atr!ln; ]r:: ~.cec':Jled .Jr. <br />~Malf 01 L~S$or :JV Its ~1,;11' i,uU"'Icnzea oltlc!r cr 3<;9": <br /> <br />Li:SS:~ COV~:"oJ,ol,,,,.r3 :~e :"~ssee :::Jv'!"olrts and 'N):'i.":5 [nat -':l ~as. ,n lc:::rca,~c! ',y,:n :"e :"eC;~I:e:'""'en(s. :j' :aw ~ulll :c..Cl;;~!ad .](IC accr'::j:r.ated 3u:::cienr ~~r.~s '0' {r.e :'.;r:,,!ra t:lJCt;'i!f led: :0 make "l'e <br />~r(al oayments '5oc;e~,...:e(3 :0 c;::me ~u~ and. to me~t .ts ~oti~a\',-=~5 '.Jl"'Cer ~r-e ..\~"~-ef""er',t an:;: 'iuC~ lur.os ;-;j'.e "01 te~n 1!x.:!"C~'j :~r :;t'1!r :a.;rpos~s. a"d <br /> <br />(2) :I"at !t.e~'!.s"o aC~IC", SUIt, prcceedu'''Q orr.."es:l(;aacn ce"'~u"~, or ::"t~ea:e"~d In 3ny:c~~ ,:t .;:It'!er tnt::lJnal 'Jr :~r.'"=e!ert .\,;r"sjic:.cC"_. 5~a:e or ~at!efal :Jf ':tetcr9 any p\.Iclic toar~ :r :cc,. ,.!,:jc~" a/'l,/ <br />'3,'I''''ouh:1 (31 ,!.S:raln =,r ~"IOln :re .::'eiIVel"/ Of ;~.:! ..\~r~~~e-'l or :"'e i:;.iity 0' :~e L~~s~e '0 rrai<e its 3ase ~~n:al ;)3yme"ts (a3 3et J\o: l::cv'!l. (bi .:::;"'lest :r at1~: ;"'e alJl:":only tor :r:e ~xeCutlcn ~r ~'!;".;er{ :Jf, or '!"e <br />Jh::h1y at. tile A~regme,..t or (C) :cn:est :"e ~xls:e"'ce lrj ccwers .;f ;~~ L-essee~ r'lor 15 !l':':!re ar-y oaSiS tor itly E~lcn, Slwlt, ;n:<:~Ci"g cr ,",,'!s::c;a:1cn. 31":d <br />(3) Thai ,he eQuipmeMt will be ope''''led and ';Cnlrollt!d C., !"a Ll!ssee 3f'!d w,il ce :.Jsed ror !sSentl.J.1 ,;cvemment purpcses ,1l"1(3NfIl :0 t:e ~ssenllal 'or {Me le!rm 0# lhe <br /> <br />(-.I) ~i!SSe-? tla'i ="cr lJr'!v'cusly :etTT"lnaled a 'ease ~or .,Cn.1CCl':Cfla:lcn. ~:fC~:j( as 5ceohca!ly desc~b'!d ~n 3 :ener ]cc~!'!~ed '''er~to <br /> <br />SIG.\lATURES: Each signot (two if montnly p.J.ymeflt ex.ceed$ S1,ZOO) warrants ttut nef~he- i~ ful1y conver5.1nt with the ;",vemi"9 relev."t legal and regul.J.t"r, provisions ind hiS ~ua power ,nd <br />JthonlJtion to bind Lessee. <br /> <br />'Ignof(s) 'or Lessee (urther W1rnnt(t) its governing body holt Uken the ne-cess.Jr., steps; Including lilY legll bid require-menu, under .appllc~bre I.w to arrange (or IIcquisillon Q( the Equipment; the <br />Jprovll .and execution hilS been in Iceord.nce W'1th ,II .applic.ble open meeclng lAWS; Ind (hit <I rl!solution \If the 90vem\nq ~Qd'J af Lessee ~uthor11ing execution of the '\greement hiS been duly <br />lopted ond r.moins in ,,,II fotce and .IIect. (CONTINUED ON SACK) <br /> <br />SSOR ACCEPTANCE <br /> <br />-E" <br /> <br />'~_L=SSC'l <br /> <br />COpycO <br /> <br />510NAiUAE <br /> <br />TITLE <br /> <br />USTOMERACCEPTANCE '. . <br /> <br />~:" <br /> <br />19 _C\,;S,OMEi'I <br /> <br />SiCNA,\;RE X <br /> <br />SIGNATURE X <br /> <br />niLE <br /> <br />CCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY , <br /> <br />TITLE <br />Ilf ;>oy_nl ",cH<t. S I. zao "'0 s..".r",.. a" IWq,,'tWG pet plragral>lt 31 <br /> <br />u certify !hat all :re 9<lu1I)mef't listed abO\le ~as been I"mls~ed. I~al Ilellvery and ,nstallallcn ~as been r"II'f compleled ar.d sa:,s'aclory <br />'lewed at"d .1c!.now1eC:4:;ed. LJoon your Sl~nlng: O-=!iCw. your prOr."'lISeS Mare.", 'Mil oe Irre'Vocaole and ...nccrc,tlor.alln all ~es"ec~s. <br /> <br />,ECFOELlliEi'lv cusrCMEi'I S;GNA,URE X <br /> <br />Fl.lrthet. all condItions Ifld ferms of IItoS a;reetrltnl have been <br /> <br />T\":"l J:' <br />