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<br />'" ?LRCH~Se CPrtON AttSt ,,," all reqt.;lred ,ayme~~3, LE5Sc:E f'TI.3y ourtna.s. !,... 'cr .rs F'a.r \iat1fal Valve (FMV), At Yy ::r.r tItre, LESSeE ma'! ;:)tJr::"",ue :,... EC;;""'Cr-ef\l !~r :,... <br />l"en iag1iCao1e .Rem.u'"r~ Balance. PluS reSIt3\Jal, <br /> <br />~ON~PP~CPR:~TION In :"8 ~ent Lassae;s:n ce'a""it ~f"lder :"i1 Rental becal;s8' <br /> <br />1 Funds are nol a~oropnat"d 'er a fiscal ,enod 5ubS8c;t.:ent !O In. ':". ... Nr..Cl'l u'. RlintaJ "'15 .mered in10 Wt':IC." a:1 Sl..lttic!ent to salisfy all of Lass..', Obli~a!:cr.s ""rCer :f'", <br />Rental dlJnng saId hscal penOd: <br /> <br />2. Suen non.~o'oprialion did "ot :,esult from ."y act or ~adu" to act:f '.SS..: <br /> <br />3. Less.. "as exhausted all ~u"'ds :e~ally avall~le 'or aU ~<iym.r':t ck..e _r~.r th. Rental: ird <br /> <br />4. is no oll1.r leQal prOC.d..... by w"..:n payme'" can b. made :0 lusor. <br /> <br />Then, provided t"al (al l.ssee has glV,n lassor ..nnen nOlie. 01 :"e OCC\Jr"'''ce :1 ~agragh 1 abOve :l'1~ (:30) days gner:o su:h occurrenc.: (b) leuor "as 'eceiv.d a ..mten ogmion <br />Irom loss..'s counsel v."fyinlllh. sam. "'l",n len (10) daY5 :"erealt.r: atld (el U.e l.ssee den 'el directly or 'n~r-.'Jy gu",hase, :' .n atly ..ay acquire atly ,er.nees or ec;UIll"'e'l suggiiect or <br />"rov'~.d lor n.reun~er: '.gon rec.,gI 011118 Bq\ligmenl d.liver.d :0 a !ccallon desiQ"al8c! by lesscr al lesse.'s .."e...s.. lessor' rem.dies 'cr s"ch del a.." shall :,e 10 le""'''ale :/le lease allhe end:1 <br />tne hscai pencd d\.i"ng wr.ieh notice tS gIVen; retain :1"8 advance re"tal payments. I' at'ly: andlor sa:l. eispose of. hold. us. ~, lease th. Iqt.:lc~.r.t as Lessor in Its scla dlscrel;crt rr.~y desir., W1thQ,;t any <br /> 10 account I" less... <br /> <br />6. L::ASe AGREEMENT: You agr.. 10 Irom '.s th. ge~onal orogert', desc"Oed .."d.r 'iT:'" CESCRIPTlON" ard as "'Cdllied Oy s..c",e".,ef1ts 10 I"is Masl.r Agreemenl/rom lime 10 lime S1;nect <br />Oy you and '.S (s"cn orog.ny and any "O\lrall.s. reptacarr."ls. re;lal~ iJIld add,llo"s ", erred :0 as ':::",gm.",.) lor ~"ress g..rposes orly. 'f:u a~re. :0 aU 01 :h. I.rms 3I"'d condilions conlain.d in lhiS <br />'\';reer."enl anes any suC'plement. ',Nnlch t04ileU'1er are a ::omCllete statement Qf ouf ~;rlement r9~a!'orQ t". lisled aQ.;.t~8r.t {'"Agreem8t'!t-} a....a sucersedes any ,u..:rctlas. j(eer or O\i.tStar.C:i"9 invoicl. <br />Th,s .AQreem....1 may "e mollilied 'JI1ly by 'Nnnan ard net by Cou~. 01 "e"ormanc.. Y cu authonzo ..s 10 :h,s,,: sanal "" atld ,)I".r ;cI....hlica:;en aba,,1 Ihe Equig"....,l. <br />as well as Ol".r om.nad ~acruai maners, This AQte8t"renr becomes valid upon eJl:ec:o.rton oy uS ar~ N'illl)egin on tn. ~et"t :cmm4ll'cement ~a:. shewn and will \:o~ti"ue hem tt-e tint day 0' :". 1CtlQW!"O <br />mcnth lor ,,,. n......Der 01 consecullve mClJ"lths sile..n. Th. t.rm ...11 be .",.nd.d a..lemallcally for sr..c::essrv. 12 rncrou. :e,."s Ul'less yoo se~ .s wnn.n netic. leu do nol wanl 'I ""&wed al ,easlll'jny <br />(:30) days D.lor. :". end 01 any 'erm. luses "'Ih $1.00 gu",hase options w"l nOt D. renewed. THE BASE R!:NTAl PAYMENT SHALL Be ADJUSTED PROPORTIONATELY UPWARD DR <br />DOWNWARD, IF THE ACTUAl. COST OF THE EOUIPMENT EXCEEOS OR IS lESS THAN THE :STIMA TE PROVICED TO lESSE:. II any ;:rcviSlcn 01 :n,s All, is declareel unenlo",eable 'n <br />atly junsdiction, III. Other provtSlons herein shall remam in lull '0"" and .Ilec:t in lI1allurisdiC1ion arc! all <br /> <br />7. RENT: Renl ",II tie gayabl. in inslallments. .acn in Ih. amou"l 011/1. basic: leas. gaymenl $/lawn plus any agpcable sales tax, us. lax. plus 11121h 01 Ihe amounl eSlimated by uS to be ge~ <br />grop.rly lax on t". EQuigm.nllor eacll year oIll1ls AQreeme...1. Yeu ",11 pay I"e secunly delXlSl1 ~ :"e dat. you S1!;1' :n,S Ag,..".enl. S"CSec:<.enl ,nslallments will tie ~ayacl. on I/le lirsl day 01 eac" <br />r9nlal paymenl genOd Shown DeQlnnltlg after t"e lirsl renlal gaymenl p.nod, TII. "'''1 gayaDle for :II. """'III 01 renl'Cemenl silall b. ~r::rated from 111. monl/lly renlal amounl Sello,../I above. We <br />",II hav, Ihe nghllO apply all s"IT'S, receoved lrom you. to any amounts due a"d oweellO ..S und.r :ro. 'em's 01 Ihe lnos AQre.",en!. In Ine ...e"'l :/lis .'Illr..menl :s nollully competed. Ihe security d.OCSII <br />'MIl D. rela,ned by uS 10 compensate uS 'or our dcc..menlahon.'ng attd oll1er ..~enses. "'c, any reason. your :tleck ,s relUmed lor a 520.00 Dad c"eck eIlarge will b. assessed. <br /> <br />a. COMPUTER SOFTWARE: NOI wtt"statlding iJIlY Oln.r <Inns atld condilions 011/1. Agr.em....l you agr.e thai as 10 soflwar. only: a)w, 'ave nol had. clo nOl nav.. nor "" have atly :il'. 10 SI.;Ctl <br />sOllwar., bl You "ave executed or ",II ..ecul. a segaratit sollwar. licens. agreement and 'N. at. '01 a patty to and ~av. no reSflCl's'b,'ioes ....hatse.ver in regardS to Sl.CII 'icense c) You <br />have seJec!.d sucn sollwar. atld as g.r AQreement garallrag" 10. WE MAKE NO WARRANTiES OF MERCHANTABiliTY FOR FITNESS ;:CR USE AND TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSI81lrrf <br />FOR THE FUNCTION OR DEFECTIVE NATURE OF SUCH SOFTWARE. <br /> <br />9 OWNERSHIP::lF ECUIPMENT: W. are Ih. ,)wner 01 :". a<;..'gment and ~ave scl.IIU. 10 :r.. ~,gment (excludirg 5.:>llwa:a). Ycu aQree :0 <eeg lhe .QUlgmenl tree ami Olear 01 all liens and cl.."..s. <br /> <br />10. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: WE MAKE NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING TMAT TME EQUIPMENT IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE EQUIPMENT IS <br />MERCHANTABLE. YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE SELECTED EACH ITEM OF EOUIPMENT ELtoSED UPON YOUR OWN JUDGMENT AND DISCLAIM ANY RELIANCE UPON ANY STATeMENTS <br />OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY US. <br /> <br />1,. lOCATION OF ECUIPMENT: You WIll <eeg iJIld lh. eq,,'gm.n. only al yo..r address sr.e_ above atld you a~. nOllo ='/91 ,,"!ass 'Ne agree 10 ,t. At I~e eM 01 :Ile AQr..menl's I."". yo.; <br />will return the EC;1.:lcment to a :ocation we speedy al )"Cur expense. in recal' resaleable conditlcn. fud '.workIng otder, ar:crn C()I'r'\(Iie!a repair <br /> <br />12. LOSS OR CAA'~GE: You are respons.b1e ror rhe ns~ ef iess :r ~or any,:e:ion of or ::!,arr,a~e to the ~quicn".!"'t No s\,;Ch ~OS5 ::Ir ~a.~a~a relieves you 'rom the ja','r.".ent obligations under :r~s <br />A~rgerr.ent. You a~ree :0 pror."lptly notify us In writlnQ ot any :css or C:~ac;e and :feu 'Mil then ;::Jay ~." ...s ~he preser.t val:... ::If :~8 ~otaJ or all \,i,..:,a.d lease payments for :h9 !!.IiI leas. term plus:he ashtr.ated <br />la" vaJIOe ,)1 :h. at 111. end 01 t". onc;;'nalI1 schell..ied I."", all Cisccunt.d at SIX "ereenl (6%) per year. Any prccee~s :1 ,nsurance 'NIII be paid '0 <;s .....d credited. al our ogticn, <br />agai"sl iJIlY loss or damag.. <br /> <br />1:3. COLLATERAL PROTECTION AND INSURANCE: Yo.. ag"'. 10 ~eeg :11. eq",gmenl ,..lIy ,nsured againslloss ....111 uS as IoU payee ,n an amounl than reglacemenl :CSI unl,1 Ihls Agr.."..,,1 <br />IS :.rmonalod. You also agree 10 oDlaln a g.neral PUDlic iiablhr, ,nsuratlce policy Irom anyon. '''''os ac:ep.alll.lo uS ard 10 ,ncJu~. us as at! ,"sured on Ih. policy. You agree :0 provid...s :erllfiCales,)r <br />olher BV,clenca ot 'nsurarce acc.glabl. 10 ~s. D.fer. 'hiS ."Q", b~'ns 0<. ... '",11 enrell you 'n cur grogeny d....a;. :rsurane. prc:<;ran ard t).:1 you a prcgerty dama;e s..rc/la'l;;. as a r!lSull ~t cur <br />:nct9ased adrT"inisua!I'" costs and cre<:1I nsk. As !Cf"g as 'IOU are c\Jr:erH at the :1""8 of fhe 'cssiexcluding losses ''u~ lrom ac!s of G.:cl. :he :,eplacement valu. of :tte eQ,Iiprr:ent 'Mil be accliecf <br />a~a;nSt any lcss or damalle as oer oaraoraph ! 2. You ""Us: 0. =~rrenl t~ be"e"t Irem ,n.s prOQra.-'. NOTHING IN ThiS ?ARAG~APH 'N:l~ R:LIEVE YOU OF YOUR RESPONSIBiliTY FOR ll"BIUr( <br />INSURANCE COVERAGE ON THIS EQUIPMENT <br /> <br />,... INDEMNITY 'Na are noe responSible lor any losS or caUSed by tre :r.sfailalron ,or t...Sa 01 :~a 9ql;ipr.-:er.t Y:u agr!e ~o ~Old ',.;$ !'"'ar:'!":less and :"eit!':ourse uS ~cr '055 ar.d to de:end ~s a~ai"st <br />arr'f claim ror losses or Injury causec2 by the Ec:uipment. <br /> <br />15, TAXES AND FEES: You aQtoi8 fO pay when \:Iue all lues (inclucino fines and ::JenaJ:18s) relat:r~ to rtus ~greemer.( :r :1'18 Ec;uipmert :t 'N9 pay any 01 the above ~or 'IOU. you agr.. to r8tmbu~e :....5 <br />and 10 gay uS a proc.sslng 'e. lor each paymenl ..e malt. on '(O..r benall. You also agree to gay ~s ."y filing 'e.s ;:resc"b.d ~y ,II. U""c"",, Ccmmee:ial Code or olher law. <br /> <br />10. ASSIGNMENT. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SELL, TRANSFER, ASSIGN OR SUBLEASE THE EOUIPMENT OR THIS AGREEMENT. W. "'ay sell, assilln. or transter I/lis AQreement willloul notice. <br />'r'::u agree lhal i' vwe seU. assign, or ttans'.r tnlS ....greement. :to. "'ew owner wdl ha.... tl'te same :'1t;tas ard ::>>enerirs tl1ar .,... ha~8 now 3('!d WIll .,ct !'lave to perform any o'?\,Ir otli~atiOnS. You lor.. :"I:!I'Ie <br />ru;,ns ~':ha new Owner will not 08 subjecl to any claims. dereMS8S. 01 se! otfs It'lat yeu may /'lave a;ainst uS. <br /> <br />17 OEFAUl T AND REMEDIES: 1110U do nOt gay any leasa "aymenl or Olner s..m due 10 uS or et~er pony wilen clue Of,I y'.lU brea~ a"y ~I "fC..r ~rotT"ises in Ih. Agreement or any olher a~reem""I'MIII <br />l.iS. you Wtll be ;n .:elauit. If ar.y part or a pay",ent IS Ille. you agree to .:ay a !are Cha:c;a of 1 S~'ll ~, ~. payrr.ent wt'lu::1 ,5 :ate ~r it less. :ha ~a;clml.,;m Charge allowed by law. If 'IOJ ar!! aV91 in default, W8 <br />may retain your 'ec~nty degoSlI atld al our ogtlon, 'Ne can :erm",al. or canc.IIIl,s Ac;; ard requ"e that you gay (1) Ih. ungald oalarco cl In IS AQreemer.. (~Iseounled 01 6w.); (2) Ihe amount of any <br />g..rchas. option and ,I none,s sgecilied. 2C~. 01 I". onglnal COSt wll'cn regresal"lS OI.or anhcIgat.d res,d\;al val... in ,,,. eq...omenl: (:3) atldlor r.'um 111. 8qu, 10 uS 10 a lceallen <br />des'gnated Dy ..s. W. may recov.r Im.resl on any ungald ~ala...c" al 111. ral. 01 8~. ger ann..", W. may also use aroy 01 111. reme,lies avalabl. 10 uS under Arliel. 2A 01 lI1e Uniform Cemm.",ial Ced. <br />as enacled in Ih. Stal, of l.ssor or its Assigne. ~r atly Olll.r 'ow. If we reter 1/lIS Agreem.m to an anomey lor ccllBaon. you agree to "ay ::t;r reasonabl. anom.y's atld actual c:cun COSIS, n... <br />nav.:o lak. P<lSsession 01 t". .quigm.n~ you agree 10 pay :11. cosl 01 reposs.ssicn. YOU AGR:E THAT WE Will NOT BE RESPONSi31E TO PAY YOU AAY CONSEOUENTIAl OR INCIDENTAl. <br />OAMAGES FOR ANY OEFAUL T BY US UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. You agree 1"01 atly ::Ielay or ! :0 onfctC. O\,;r "Qh.s u"dar 1r.,S "';rsemen: does not prevenl u, Irem er.lo",.nll any rillhls II a <br />later lime. II,S I..nner agreedlhal your nc;;lIts a~d rerredles are gov.rned .<ci..slvely Oy IlIis Agreen-enl ."d you Wal~e 'essee's nllllts un~er"'~,c:. 2A (508-522) oIlne UCC. <br /> <br />18. UCC FiliNGS: You granl us a secunly inler951 in Ih. Bq\lipmenl ,I t/l.s a~reemenl 's deem.d a secur.d lrarsaction and you a..~""nz...s to rec:orcl a UCC.l fi"OI"'Cing Slalemen. or si"..dar <br />,nSI""m.n1. at1d a;lgOln. us your e.ecul. atld deliver such insl""menl. in order :0 SllOw our inl.r.SI 'n Ih. equipment. <br /> <br />19. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Th. sec..nly degosil 's no" ,nl.reSI b.aMO and is 10 secure yov :"'ormatlco und.r !Il.s ."\;'eemen:. ""y see--"!'J degoslt mada may be agglied by us 10 sa"s~, any atT'OIOnl <br />.owad :Jy ycu. :n '""r.iCI"! even' you wtll prorr.olly res~cre Ins sec~nty degOS1C to Its ~\iil amc\.Or:t as sat: forth above. "ail :crtd,tiot'ls. "ereln a:e '1"i1y ccmolied Wlt:"l and crov'~ed fOU have n01 ever O.enn <br />oela"u vI :"'S ~c;;rum.", ger paraoragh 17.:110 .ilC"my de"es'I...,1I be ret..n~ed 10 you aller Ih. 'e:,,'" olll>e eq,,'gn-ef'1 In ac:oraa"co ...:" :a'a;ra;lh 11 <br /> <br />20 CONSENT TO LAW, JURISDICTiON. AND VENUE: T~ls AQrgeme...1 s"all be ~ee""ed !..Uy,,:ed and ge"c",..ell ,n ~tle S1a19 Jllesscr orIS Assi;"e.", pnncigal :Iace 01 o..siness a"d Vall b. <br />gcvemed by ard conslrued ,n accordanc. 'N,I" 'IS la..s It :n9 lessor or ,ts Ass'9nee shail On"g ary j"cI'c,al ~r:x:eeOn9n relallon '0 a...y "'a:ler arisi"g under Ih. Agreeme"t. :"e C..s:o"'ar irrevocably <br />agre.s l"al ary such maner may D. adjudged or del.rmlned ,n Mly courl or courts .n :h. SIal. ;,1 :lie lassor or its Asslgnee's pMC'gal ~Iace 01 Dus,ness, or in any =ourt or ceuns ,n CuSlcmer's Slate 01 <br />reSid.nce, or in any oll1.r court haVing lunsdichon ov.r Ih. Cuslom.r or assers 01 Ih. CuSlom.r, all al lh. scle elilClion 01 tne lessor. Th. Cuslom.r n.reDy ,rrevocably suomls c;;en.rally ."d <br />unconditionally :0 :he junsdicllen 01 any sucll COUrl so elecl.d by l.ssor in relalien :0 such maners. You ....v.,rial by JUry in atly acllon b.tween uS. <br /> <br />15224/070899 <br />