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<br />- <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />St:lW of F~"rida <br />Sl<llo Tocnnolcgy Offica <br />~/.'ir8IB3s D:Jla ~Ivlce$ , .' .' . <br />STO "0S r-(ocu,'ed such S..r,iccs "nd o"liv"rables aubjecllC' tile terrnR and condiuoro; of this Contract, <br />ard ~~8i' ,,:1111 a re(\'o/lnably prudenl m<1nner, ill iY-'Y>Jn:lar.:e wilh gcnerally llCC'1pted ,ndualr}' ~r,\eucc(. <br />ar,j sha I 101l0w [,II rn\'RJaI fl a9reoo u~()n sWnd<,rd.,\, tarms, an,j cundltlons of thia Cuntrad. 11)(; <br />CCI'.!.'.ctnr',_ failure 10 pcri')(1fI i1S obl:gations undar ~,is Con~r",:;t ,hall to.. e;<cu,,,u 10 the extent bat aueh <br />r.:Jil'..11,,; results frc,rn tha STO'~ bl~1CI1 of '1IAlT8ntj'. rgpr13~(:n~~UonsJ or oo'lE'nanh;, or S"fOls f~iam2 10 <br />r-e,fJrT;: il" rc,;pv,sibiliti", undar th.. Contract or any Bels or Dlni,slons of an Eligible Uwr 10 whicl' <br />C:".t.'.ctcr is deli\'8rinJ S<Jr\>k-es or aflY third perl)' cC'llra<.10' or aqent of tha 5TO I)r an Eligible Ua"... <br /> <br />If ir,lor",,,I;:'ln provid",~ by 1h9 STO or ~m !!lIglble USe<' is inccmpl8111 0' incorrect, or iffacililiea, 8q"iprNmt, <br />,,,,,fI\\'RIB, dala, or OU11)r 'e~ourc"'s pravided bj' lho 8TO or an Eligibla U.or "ro not if) co"'pliance Will <br />appli<::>bl/;' 18wa. rulea .,nd regulati(ln~, M if 3Il~' llaC>)SS-8ty a\Hhorizati<:Jns or G<l"S1)n~> hme not r.;;er, <br />cbl;ji"",J with resp...m 10 STO M<llorl.;Jls pro,'ided to Contractor ,)( its sut'COt-.tra(01ors, any we"k (c:qui red to <br />~"r'ect problem. createc by lhe use of ""ch information or resau reas sM11 00 tre>ated as a Ch",,~o <br />rc-qlJ",st ,mder Seclien J.2 of this Coniract which (M pm"tle5 shall i~IE<T"'nl ""~ pursuanl to "hie!' lhe <br />Cunir"clr:lr ~~1~1I t., "ppropria1Bly (:.ompens~te(! fer the adJiliurd \','J)Jk, The STO shall "(ompty nl),ify <br />Cr,olrac:ur or such inaccuracJas, ornia.ioIlS. or nono:>mpli8rtCa [}f whiel) thc STa b8<;tlmas a'...."la. <br /> <br />2.2 SpG(:i!ic SeMces ~d DeIMlrab~. <br /> <br />Th" C""irBet{]r al'.~1I adivcr &"n""'5 arld D.I i'/cmbles in ac;(.ordanca wilh lhls contraot. <br /> <br />2.3 a-Procurement Tta'1o;.ac:tioo Fee. <br /> <br />Th, "ble 113S in~titlJt8d M"FloridaPA11j.;etPI~,,", a gj"tewidIJ "Pr<JCUlemenl System ("S)'.lum"). p'l($u"'n~ <br />te ,.;;c;licn 2!j7,057(2.~), Flmida Slal"lvs {20:l2), ~:I pa"ments ,h~1l 00 asses""d a iran&aoti"" fOD of one <br />p~rcent (1.oJ'~) ("Tmr1saction F""'"), which U,., C:Jlllr<,ctor shall pay to U,C Slme, Th" Tranaao1ion Fe>" <br />$11.)11 "~r.Y 1.0 tha poruon ,)f paymen1to Comraclor lMt 15 '101 ('ttributable to STCn <lgrced-ufXl" oVBma,;,J <br />t:'J :~rrH.JIIem1ion. <br /> <br />10' r(lyrn".ols wilhi" i1lC Slate 3,xnunt;ng aysl,on1 (ILA.IR or i\" sUC03aaor). lho Tr"n~i'C1ion Fea sl'"II, <br />v,tliJr, ~oo~i ole, bp- ilulo,natioally dcdl.cted from paymsnta 10 thc Contra0\Of. If "ute<ThlliC deductior, i" not <br />pne"ibla, th8 Contractor ~hall pay th8 lmns<IClion Fe" purauarll 10 Rl~le 6(lA-'1.G31 (2), Flol ic;) <br />Adr,'.ni~t",,;vB Code anu shal~ file llny r"p:lrts requirBu b~ such 11.,le. By aubmis.siun of t1'~se rp,po~s and <br />corrBs~"'lU ng pa)']1len1S, Contr-3Glur cortrlies !heir ()JlT8ctn"",,s. ,0,11 sIKh revcl~ and pa~"""nt~ .h8JI ~e <br />eL. hieot te a udi l by the St31e or its dE<,;gn..". <br /> <br />Coil :factor sh(lll !BcBive a pro lal'_l '-"fed it rcr any TranaacUon Fcc >h;lid by th" Contraclor /1;" 'J.3 plJroh:;;;.? <br />of any Dc; ii'/er,,".t)<)(~) if euch Daliv"rilb~c(s} are returned 10 Iha Cc<,lractor or r",j",rrt..d by STO 1I1r1;..,gh no <br />falll~, ,~ICI, or "mission or lIlC C:JtWa.;tOr. N[}twi~II'I"'ndlllg the f(ll""9"ing, a Trdn$<lctlcn Fee i~ nor.- <br />ru :IJ!lu.-,ble wh",n an itBm ia rBj8c.tcod, retut'n<'d, or dBeli""d in accQrdano;! with [his Cont",,)t I;U~ to the <br />f:nrtractofs 18ilur<) to perform or ecmply with Sf;ecifioations '" rilquif'(lrncnls ofthi~ Contra:l. <br /> <br />Ccr,t'aclUf'S fi'\llllrc to cl1rnpl)' ',nth 1l18<><l rt:..qlJirell>entl "h..1I oJno;(jtulc a brellch {Jf a maleri.1 Ob.lgiltf;)I' of <br />t~i$ Cnnlract by Ihe Conlmctor, slJ~ject to Secli"'l ':lllcre<Jr. CONTRACTOR DElJNQUI'Nl' IN PAYING <br />TRANSACTION FEES RESULTING IN A~ EVENT OF DEFAULT MAY BE EXGI.UOEO FROM <br />CONDUCTING f'UTUR.E BUSII,ESS WITH THE. STATE. <br /> <br />r:iJ\I1R':':;'l ..o~''''[S$ o.~T,~ 3i='R'>.'1r.E5 <br /> <br />tJ.11&'21))~ <br />~I-:":=' I,:I.~;; <br />