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<br />Sklte of Florida
<br />3l<Jlc locnnolcgy Offic8
<br />Il.ljrE!ls8S D<Jt~ Sc(\.ic€e
<br />
<br />Section 3
<br />
<br />Contract Administration
<br />
<br />3,1 ConIr.Jct Managem"1l~
<br />3.1.1 Program M<lnagement Responsibility,
<br />
<br />Tt'" Cc>ntr"dnr .hall be r.,p:)r",ibl", for msnsging ti,l} P,)r!Oflll(""", Df all S8rvicos ilnd the f'fO\'ision of ",II
<br />De:i'Iur.cblos r>Kjuirt!d by this C",Hr~(:l,
<br />
<br />3.1.2 Key Personnel.
<br />
<br />The rAftes agr.." lMt In order for etici8nl ani) effective ccrnmunicoUon to OCOur, clear lin.." "r <lU IIl:)llty
<br />.:;nd (l~"S r.' respon"ibility nceo to be identifi",J ror c-3ch p~rty. The "k8)' pc''S<ln<lel,'' ~r.d their dulius with
<br />regard to tllis Conlrc,ct Ilr" S8t fCfli1 iri this CC'lt,~~~. Each P~"ly (lgre~~ to p,cmptl)' ftOtify the other ir, th9
<br />(~,\O": of 8ny Gh,mgo ill koy f>'>"lonn81, or ill me ~jd(e~~ or phone rlurnber of l{ey perY.Jnn81. III ,.J,~it,ln,
<br />tt,e CU<1trOe,Cf "g ,eBS th.l in the e~ent it b8CJ:)nlllS t'.:JceSS81)' fCf thE> C<Jritr<lcto<" to change '[.e,.
<br />per;;onn81" wllilo !)erfrxming the Ser.'iccs, 8ubst~utiC<l D( saiJ personnel ~h81Ilak" pl..::<) only u;Jr.n th9
<br />0; 1'0'" p'ior ",rit1en wnsonl which ~hall not 00 unrcasoIlClbl\' withheld Or dcla,re.J, C"nssnt to "JpI8CO Is
<br />nc' "'4cfnxl if such 'key 1',,",01lt1001" (ij regigns from C0l1trGcl0r or lakes a kJ"vo of "l:<l8nc",; (ii) i',
<br />di,missEd [,y OotltrllctOf fm C8US..; {Iii) mils to perform his c< tlcf d titles or ,egpcnsib"ilic$ pur,,'.wnt to be
<br />('/ln1mm; llf ~iv) dic$ or is un~ble to \'Ior~ duc to h.i~ or he, disalJilil)'; ('I) cNlnge. i:;Jb fB",;p-Jl1sib ;:1ks
<br />volur',tQ'ily N through re.8Sslgnl11er;1. How8,'e" lho STO Shl'lll have thE> rigt\t to re{e"t any proprj.~iJ
<br />'eplaC8m~ril K.CY D(!rsonnel, .....hiCh reJoction $hall nDt be ururXlsC<IJbly made. For il1ustra~ve purposes,
<br />'k.,\, petsor,""I' "'l<lil i nclud(! Prciect M"n<:1gors and ilny other p"roollS designilt"d 'lS ',..e~ pcrsonr>el" ir
<br />L li~ oortract.
<br />
<br />3,1.3 Knowledge of Intent to Transfer Corporate Intarasts,
<br />
<br />The Par.ies r=g nil(! ~nd ag.8" lh[\t Il'/rom of the Contmct is p'edicated upot) feat\,J1"€"l of the
<br />CC.1tfilctcr'~ buoin,,"s c<ganirotion. By ")(llcU~cn ofthi'.l Conlract. C<'lrl ~'act()r represents lhOll <It the tilll"
<br />"I ""X1.,tion of lhi., Conl.ract Iltlas r>o kM'"IBdg8 or <my part'/s intBnl. silll'" IrJI'~d\'alll' {]I as a group, to
<br />Iron"fiJr more th~" 49.9% of all interests er,fifiBd lD vol.. ir\ til0 Ooniractor in one 1r.cr>~'CtiC<l nr" serieo or
<br />tr:=.t nSBc:ion:..:i.
<br />
<br />3.1,4 Meetings.
<br />
<br />','{1I1In ti1ir., (30) cal",',Jat d<l,s fol:<:1wing 1118 Elfecti'/e D~t", lh8 ParlieS wili muh,Rlly dele,,,,inl) an
<br /><'PP'of',i,;,te ""t of periodic mBelings to be held b~~"oon lhll STO J.fld the Cont,actC'!. At a mir,imum,
<br />th0se m"€ting' '(.; II incl'.~de D(!licdic proj8d stiltus meetings "nd rn:)r\~ll,' me.etings bet"..",;;, 1110 PMi~~'
<br />?'ldUG~'f-'(ojcct M"n8g8fS alld <lilY oIh.er nec,""-"I)' p<lr1lcs, For th8 rn;mlhly rncc~ings, the Ccr,Ir"Gt<l1
<br />~h"11 puolish ~ri aget1dC;l ~ minimum of M'J blJsinp.ss days ir\ <lCVmlOe of 1he m<38Ullg 10 allow a",,,:irt;J
<br />.~8rud ~J n13 " "'asondblc op~m'"ity t[} prBp..rc for th" m"",tirtg. Th" STO mu",t appl1J\le the ilgClld~
<br />08:r1: u C<J1l1r"c1or p'"blish8S ii, Which. ~ppra"81 ma~ '101 be l.Jtlr(!asonably witl~hdd 0'- delaYBd. Tnu
<br />'/ln1raGtor "Mil not ~e- (!ntitled to addition<ll C'1r,'W",ngaljon (0' n\8ctlng prer"",li<m or . ~unrJ;.1nc(!,
<br />
<br />3.1.5 Meeting Minutes.
<br />
<br />fhe C,;nt~8clc( sll,,1I provide det"iI8,j and wcll-rJOCLJm(!nted me8ting minutcs for 11'... pElficdic rnootinryl
<br />IE re,.""ed 1n p('ll'l''Jraph 3.1.4 ,,"we, Dr~fl me8ti"il l1~iriutc<l V/il1 he dislribul~d b,' th(! Con:racio: lo
<br />Il1di',i<'_1J5Is '111'<:1 illtcndc..;J the meeting on bchill' of th(! STtJ within three OJ bl,l,iness <loy' of the Sl'bjp.rl
<br />mL'ding S() 1r>3t any E1fn:c" C<ln be oorremed 8nd ill}'l18 not indl,Jd"d can O. Jdded bf 1he C(mlrdclor prl,)r
<br />t[] issuant;(:: t~S ;J DeU....p.rabl-s.
<br />
<br />(\iUTA;,:r l-o~'I.'n[LC::t: o.':"TA ~~'ir.:I::S
<br />
<br />!i.'1f.."2:'11)4
<br />Pt.J~:-'; IJf ~~
<br />