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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />S;(1t~ C\;Flerida <br />","lu lechnck'iJ'/ Office <br />ll,fjrele::i::i Dal.:J ;E'.cl'~~o...--S <br />''''\~', ",spect to See,ices for which service leye!.;'; and r~;"8dia. arc not addres~",j in iha Con1ffic:t ~1O <br />manufaGU.H"!s COfl>lJnlerWarmrrrjwJ! aW~'. In 110 '}vent \\ill C9ntmCler bs r8spJl1sl~)le for r<;placemen:ar 10sL <br />$tolel', or c.nm.gad '"i,"IOS>l mcderns not cO"2fad by Lilt> m(lnufadu'er~ warranty or <ln~ extended "srrad,' <br />c'~\'e"'J'} selected. <br /> <br />3.3.2 Exceptions, <br /> <br />',\'jj)-, rB"~'OCIIO Dei"ernblas, th" '"",\r[[\,-,'1' eX;end" anPj to the Odlverable~ exi.tng at the lime of :h? <br />ST(I's Acc"pl~IlCC, or 1l~ later modifi..d pur~uilnt to ~ Chan9" old..r by CNltrector, "nd deB. noL <l~pl,' to <br />,\n~ moc. ~ieations to tho DeHvera~)es mada by "nyOr',;) other thall Contradol or Its f.u~/:r.mlractoro m <br />vli~'",ul Contractors specific priur '"fltten conRi!f',t, f'\{Jr daBS il <,lpply to any use of a S"r',icc or Deli"p',"hl.. <br />in a "'an,oar ur for ,1'W pl,.Jlp".e ather thOln lho$e rontemplatad in HI" ContRoCI. ThE> "ta',e w"rr<ln;~ $h,:\1I <br />not ~"ply 10 an~ IlC<H:;ompliar.o:e <::3uaed by LM STO'$ or an Eligibla Us8f"S failure to uee cOlr>>euon. Or <br />ent'.,IItc!nonts made aveilabl" "~COtl\l'SCtor. <br /> <br />3.3_3 WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. <br /> <br />EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED Hi SECTlO~S 3.3. 12.27 AND 1:<,28. THE PARTIES MAKE NO <br />WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCl.UDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED <br />WARRANTIES REGARDING McRCHAN7ABILlTY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PU"POSE. <br />CONTRACTOR'S WARRAPlTIES EXTEND SOLELY TO THe STATE AND TO THE APPLICAE:lLE: <br />ELIGIBLE USER Of THE CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES. <br /> <br />STQ a.'l~lor any eligi~)~ U5sr [}f l11i. Contl<\ct acknowloo9"s ihill Vorlz<J1l Wirelass is n<JilllC M(lnufulclL"'~ <br />of any of the wirole,:s tel"phona ""lui ~rnont, and "gl""s ihat. 10 ihe CXlP.nt [>"rmitted by I~w, 'icri.0n <br />'Ni",less h", m<lde aO(\ mak~s no rB~"'"()f1t<ltIC<1~ c< ,'.arranti... whatso~ver. dir<;<:tly or indirc~Uy, expreso <br />or :mpl;ac, as I;] ~r.c $L:it<1bili~/, d"rabilit,'. rilllO~ for U:Ie. rnernhantabilily, conditicn or r,uali~/, of "Ily or the <br />wirt;l~es j..lepholHl C>qu.ptll(lnl. STO andlm lJligible mJlUla5es tha wireless telephonE> equif."",nl rro". <br />Veri"," Wirela", "S is. Veri7.on \\IifBless ,Mil not oe li"t:j.. to STO ana/Dr eligitli" U5a, fee any 10$$, <br /> or e<~cn$c of any .inc 0' nalulB c8,~sed di,ectl,' or ind irKily by wil<'less jelE>phone ""1u i~rn(>nt cr <br />b\' the US8r GC rn.,nUf.:lChli<'r thereof, or by ilrIY rep8i r, ""rvice 0' atljuSlmont Ihei<'t(lD or by any intc;rfupt ,)1' <br />f>f ',"C.'iOB or loss of use thelBOf, or ror ilny 10$S of businass or d~rn(lge 'IIhl'I3OE>"er arY.l hOwM:eV(!' ('no <br />hm,,08''''' c<luscd. Veri70n 'Nirele<<-'i <lglllos to assign ~D the 8TO <l1'Jlcr th(! eligible usar, .flS app.ic~bl~, <br />any man uf~ctur()r'~ con~umar wiirrilnlios ,)S r,;Ce<ifed by Varizoon ''''llrele~s .,ilh ,esf:<l'" to ~le \,'i~"R' <br />telephoc.a 8quipm~m, STO and/or Iilligi blc t~se' l'CknDI\'I"jg.." ~18t diSl'.."tiRf",:(ion ",ilt\ the wire;e~~ <br />tel~r,hnne aquipn'l,)nt will not relie"E> STO <oMlor oI'gible ~I ""r Df sn~' ablig<lUon und",r this agroolllOIlt. <br /> <br />Th, Sactioll ~.~ st'o~11 ,uN;ve tarmir1ilUC'f1 or1hi~ Contraot, exoilpt tllm Secli(m 3.3.1 sh,,1I not sur.'i"e <br />ioth", 1h"n for ServiCc.~ ilndlor D",i',arabies fOr \','~,.ch STQ has alreadl' ~"id, or will p<~y, Conlraclor}, <br />le'" li,.,.:otict1 \1y the 8TO undN Sectio" '12.2 or tarmin",on by Cof'tTl;clor due to -3 :;;TO Even; of Defu ult. <br /> <br />3.4 SLlbcontractors. <br /> <br />C<JII~I'1CIQr ,~ r"sponsibls ror 1/1e ~cts or OIl"IIBSlefiS or .all 5UD:;<Jntractc.-s u,",'u by Cot'trac;lcr in tha <br />parrorrmu Ice of Se"';(,.09S dUTing Ihe term, All .uh.oontraot{]r"-' require prior ..rittBn eOilsalll by 1I'><e STO.. <br /> <br />3.5 Acrept~mce. <br />3.5.1 Time for Acceptance. <br /> <br />The STO ",ill 8=>pt e('r.h Deli'Bfabla or Service when it moots 1/",<) rcquir(!Olents of this COr1:ffiol. Unl'1;" <br />~tll(>rvlise speaf,ad "'J,O'l{, the STO shall 1>3',"' .fl r)W')')111U1" peri[)j [}f tan (HJ) bugine~ days after ddi,"},-y <br />0' " Ddi\'cralJle or See,iee La V()r\fy thJ.t me Deli',a,abla Qr Service meets the CoI\i{<lcr reG.lJir"ment.. If <br />lh" STO dOll" not notify Cont.....O'!or or " N.Dt'rO:)rlformit~ (= d,,~ Iled In Section 3.5.2.) wiLIl mspec1 to " <br /> <br />r..:a~ II-'..,~cr i::R ~.liRA.F.g5 OAT I~ ::cJ-{','K:IT <br /> <br />u"l!::1.iD.)4 <br />I'::..~ l2~n::: <br />