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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />8l1t') of Fbrida <br />State Tildmolegj Offlec <br />~'.'i,{!:<5. Data S8I'"\.;t;.8::i .. " _.. <br />accord"ncu wi~) the tenllS of fhe Contract. Gon(raclor sMII have no obligation or ault>ority (0 l-orllrllCnCO <br />wur, in crnnediun wiltl clny Cht>ng<" until the schedulE>, U.. <>D,viccs or D..,li"",rabIE;, ~M start ..mJ <br />~xr. rmion datas, and ,;my othor tcr'1)~ ~nd cCl1ditiona prcpDS8d by a Party have been e,.l,b;i.hEod ;;nd set <br />1011l) In a wri,ten Ct\8ngE {]Cdar a"'Dulud t:l\' lho 8TO 8nd {'.onlrec!Df. Ch"nglS OrdelS m3Y inch)"" ar <br />,ascII in sucp::JIlslon ofv/Qlk. <br /> <br />3.2.3 Techt10logy Refresh Proposal, <br /> <br />Duri:)9 lla ""u,se of this ConlffiGt, thE Contraclur iJ.lld the STO Shilll <ligcu5S "t 1",,:;1 aIlm'OIl}' <br />'Eo",nolcgica, ffifrB.hrl,",nl in com'oec!ic" with lha SErliicas. llli," P,\rliOs l11utuall'{ ag,e", ea"lreotur ,hull <br />S~ omit" Techroological Rer",.tlmc,,1 Proposal for STO CCflEidBration 1.0 ~r"p;:lse slJbetllUlions e, additior,;; <br />10' 81,' pr-o',ideo &,,,'io=. and Daliv'ml~les th~t 'Yk~,' b(!Q.)me a,'ailable ab a ,",,,,ll of lL,<,)mol~i,'al <br />i"npro',arnerri::;. It the Par1ies rnu~uRlly eg,ae, Cur.1racl<Jr sl1<\1I fJroode a li'", te., demonstralion of ~"c <br />"Lbstitu:e Se",ic" ur DCliyor3ble, The STO is unde, nu ablig"tiGn to m(>~Ji[y thi~ Contract in re8pDI',>>J tu <br />:1'0 Cc<W~ctr>". addition. C<' subs~ltu~iQn~. SliGh addi~on5 or .ub:;lilulions mJY include. a: I or <br />an~ f"'11 of a giver. Seo,ic" 0' Dalivar"tJl.<J ~ro,.'ldCd that me follClwing Q(]ndilion~ alc mt}t old <br />3~.h"tar,t'~ted b, d"o,;ulncllta~<ln In lhe Cc"t~e~""s TBohnclogjc:,;J1 Refreshment p' <br /> <br />n} The propor.ed SP."k~ or Deli"erabl.. sll<dl mcet oll 01 the tE!d1nic31 .poci.r;c~lion5 em <br />terms and {"(JIIdilions of this Cor.lract. <br /> <br />{2} TtlO proposed prOOl.j(;1 ,;hall ha',a capOCily, pc.fonnar.oe, 0' functional ch8r8cteri5~Cs <br />equal In or (J",,,lur theln the C\./rrenl S",,'i':8 or Deli"arablc. <br /> <br />(3 > Tt\e Tccll'lologie<>1 Refreshment Prop",.>,;)1 awJ I Include all infD'rna~ion that ""u~d bo <br />required in a C,)ange Ord(!' PrnfXl.a lend .. Chan[1il A!o.$cssrnent a:> de~(ribed in 3Edion <br />~\.2.1 helaof. Tha wsl of Ole.l "pECi1iG3l1y add"'~SL'd In the TechnL)<lg"cal <br />Refreshment Propo->81 shall be tJUrlm soldy by tile Corrtrncrlor. <br /> <br />{4} The TachnDlogiccl R,8frcshmont Proposal shall include" description 3~ 10 r.ow tt-.<l <br />suggcst€d chang" would resull irr CQ~t <lr'tJ,'or service im prnvalr.allt sc"illg~ 10 tbo State <br />sndlor ElftliblrJ lIsers. <br /> <br />Cun:radar tlOlS ~)e rtghl to re"i~, in ",h<:Jle or ir. purt. .9nY Technologi.r-.Il1 RefI8shmElllI proposal prior to <br /><lCC€ptr:ln~" b)' the STO. C"rrlI'.9ctor willlJse commE,oielly rE<3sG,,,.blo efforts 10 enSG'" that pr'.""s fvr <br />"~Gilicns IY sub[rtitlJtiDf" ala mmpcr.9tlc 10 mplacel~ ~" di"""r.tinuBd Se",ioJs Llml D(lllyer;jblee. If a <br />Techl'vlo'iJi<:>.l1 Helreel,ment Pro~saF is ao::u~IG'd [(I)d m~de II pIlrt of this Carlir,;,cl, <Ill cq L~itable <br />8di.J,trnanllTlod;ryiJl~ tho Contr:3<;1 pri"" And 8I1Y uther alf"01.OO prolitslon 01 !t>i~ Ccr,trecl Ehall be madi! ill <br />ilccord~r,c~ with this section an'; Ol'IY olhcr (\ppli';:jble pl'l),",iun of this Cunir<rcl.. <br /> <br />Anj' Change o,d",~ 10 \:Ie made oo~ed upon a T...:l1nologiCD.1 Rofrest1ment P"'pD:3al shal~ be III..d" :1) <br />:Icc~rdo ~ce with Section 3.2.1 h<H'80f, and shall ~"" ,(J~J,,,,ct tlO the reslricliuns of S(.~1iQn 12'} hP.r"cf. <br /> <br />3.3 Warrnnty. <br />3.3.1 Contractor WOJrr.mlies. <br /> <br />The Conlmclot \,'at'fJnt~ thm the s.e,,'icss and Dclivcmblcs shall be delr,ared in ao,r.:tdl'lnCe with <br />Perf,),.,., ancs Stcn~<:\I~t, "nd e~)ed1iCil1icm" aet furth in tllis ClJnlta(,1. <br /> <br />'Niltl rospc(;t to Deli"e'8ble-s for which wcrr8"~OS and the duration lMreDf a,e n~t addrc.;scd in the <br />Cur.lr9ct, this Warr..tlly \\'111 ret)1"in ;n "fleet for a t=oariod "r l'IIcI"c (12) mOl'l1h. follm',ing "',CO"piilll';C or <br />o~""h Del:verable 'equi ,ad by this Contr~ct <br /> <br />-.. . <br />::::::f- --...c .~R ~."I:::!=::LEs.::. C~'\I'''~cl-:l'''~:::~ <br /> <br />\.(~ <br />h,~ J~ .A~~ <br />