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<br />This item is on the agenda. Our Commission Meeting will be July 19,2007.
<br />
<br />As soon the resolution will be passed and sign we'll forward it to Alex Suarez.
<br />
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<br />
<br />From: Beilman, Lewis [mailto:lbeilman@sfwmd.gov]
<br />Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 20075:13 PM
<br />To: esoroka@cityofaventura.com; manager@balharbourflorida.com; townhall@bayharborislands.org;
<br />frspence@bellsouth.net; dbrown@coralgables.com; purrinoss@cityofdoral.com;
<br />jwalker@villageofelportal.org; alexdiaz@townofgoldenbeach.org; civy@ci.homestead.fl.gov;
<br />village@icvps.org; vkbbzp@aol.com; mconway@ci.miami.fl.us; citymanager@miamibeachfl.gov;
<br />dcrew@miamigardens-fl.gov; reya@townofmiamilakes.com; esptepb@miamishoresvillage.com; James R.
<br />Borgmann; j,forte@nbvillage.com; nmbmgr@citynmb.com; rwilliams@palmettobay-fl.gov; Peter G.
<br />Lombardi (OVM); ymckinley@cityofsouthmiami.net; John Szerlag; wdhigginbotham@townofsurfsidefl.gov;
<br />Yolanda Aguilar; sgottlieb@cityofaventura.com; mayor@balharbourflorida.com;
<br />plynch@bayharborislands.org; mayor@biscayneparkfl.gov; dslesnick@coralgables.com;
<br />bermudezjc@cityofdoral-fl.gov; Saintvil, Mariette; flcitymayo@aol.com;
<br />mayorglen nsinger@townofgoldenbeach.org; mayotjrobaina@hialeahfl.gov;
<br />ydelacruz@cityofhialeahgardens.org; rwarren@ci.homestead.fl.us; village@icvps.org; vernon@fir.com;
<br />rrodriguez@townofmedley.com; mayordermer@miamibeachfl.gov; sgibson@miamigardens-fl.gov;
<br />slatonw@townofmiamilakes.com; estepb@miamishoresvillage.com; ba inb@miamisprings-fl.gov;
<br />joseph .geller@nbvillage.com; nmbmayor@citynmb.com; eflinn@palmettobay-fl.gov; cou ncil@pinecrest-
<br />fl.gov; horacefeliu@bellsouth.net; nsedelcup@aol.com; cburkett@townofsurfsidefl.gov;
<br />man nyma@bellsouth.net; cwmccarasa@bellsouth.net
<br />Cc: Fuentes, Jose; Suarez, Alejandro; Ordenes, Audrey; Beilman, Lewis
<br />Subject: Herbert Hoover Dike Resolution
<br />
<br />Dear Local Government Officials:
<br />
<br />The South Florida Water Management District's (District) Governing Board passed the attached
<br />resolution that requested Congress to provide the necessary funding for bringing the Herbert Hoover Dike
<br />into compliance with current levee standards. As you are aware, the dike, which provides flood protection
<br />for communities surrounding Lake Okeechobee, does not meet levee safety standards and has structural
<br />deficiencies.
<br />
<br />Failure of the dike would have catastrophic consequences for communities surrounding Lake
<br />Okeechobee. As the impact of the failure of the dike would be felt throughout the District, the District
<br />initially requested about a month ago that your local government pass a resolution in support of the
<br />District's resolution.
<br />
<br />If your local government has passed a resolution, please e-mail me a PDF of the signed resolution or mail
<br />it to my attention at the South Florida Water Management District, 2121 SW 3rd Ave, 6th FI, Miami, FL
<br />33129.
<br />
<br />If your local government has not passed a resolution yet, please advise our office whether it will be
<br />passing one. Since I will be out of the office until July 12, please send information on whether your local
<br />government will be passing a resolution on the Herbert Hoover Dike to Alex Suarez at
<br />91$!Jl;![eZ:@$fwmJLgQ\I. Mr. Suarez can also be reached at (305) 377-7274 ext. 7280.
<br />
<br />Sincerely,
<br />
<br />7/16/2007
<br />