<br />of injuries on playground. Copies may be obtained from National Recreation
<br />and Park Association, 2775 South Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, V A 22206.
<br />
<br />D. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Regulations for Title III, Appendix A,
<br />Standards for Accessible Design, issued by the Department of Justice. Copies may be obtained by calling (800) 514-0301.
<br />
<br />Bidders certify that all products (materials, equipment, processes, age appropriate signage, or other items supplied in response to this
<br />bid) contained in its bid meet all Federal and State requirements. Upon completion of installation of play equipment and/or
<br />playground surfacing, bidder shall furnish to the City of Jacksonville a certificate so stating the equipment/surfacing and its
<br />installation meet all Federal and State requirements as outlined in the above publications. .
<br />
<br />Bidders further certify that if the product(s) delivered and/or installed are subsequently found to be deficient in any of the
<br />aforementioned requirements in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the product(s) and installation into compliance
<br />shall be borne by the bidder.
<br />
<br />AWARD:
<br />Multiple awards will be made to any and all responsive and responsible bidders. There is no guarantee any purchase order will be
<br />issued after award. Purchase orders will be issued subject to availability of funds.
<br />
<br />Invoices will be issued once supplies are shipped and delivered to our using agencies. At a minimum, invoices must include:
<br />Purchase Order number, Item Number and Description, date of shipment, quantity ordered, unit price, unit of measure, and a total for
<br />all purchases. The vendor will work with the Procurement and Accounts Payable Division to detennine mutually agreeable
<br />alternatives to invoicing such as: summary Billing Reports or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Standard payment tenns are Net 30
<br />Days.
<br />
<br />The Price Agreement Contract for Park and Playground Equipment will be from June 1,2006 through May 31,2007, with two (2) one
<br />(I) year renewal options.
<br />
<br />Renewal option(s) are at the discretion of the City based on the successful bidder(s) perfonnance and adherence to the tenns,
<br />conditions and requirements in maintaining firm percentage(s) for the following year(s), within 30 days of contract expiration. All
<br />percentages will remain finn for the period of each contract year.
<br />
<br />The City is entitled to purchase from contracts established by the State of Florida. Should the State establish a contract for item or
<br />items on this bid, the City reserves the right to cancel this contract in whole or in part and purchase those item(s) from the State
<br />contract, if in its best interest.
<br />
<br />The City of Jacksonville may generate a Request For Quotation (RFQ), on an "as needed" basis, for park and playground equipment
<br />for individual projects, together with a request for additional services required to complete that project (see sample "Request For
<br />Quotation" sheet attached to these specifications). The City reserves the right to send such RFQ to any or all awarded bidders. The
<br />RFQ can define a project exactly (number and specific type of equipment required), or the RFQ can describe a desired end result,
<br />allowing the bidder to design the park or playground site.
<br />
<br />Afler generating an RFQ for a project, and before bidder's submission of its quotation in response to the RFQ, the City will require
<br />requested bidder(s) to allend a site visit with City personnel to familiarize the bidder(s) with the site and determine additional services
<br />that may be required to complete the project. Such services may include, but are not limitcd to, sidewalk and/or concrete work,
<br />borders, site clearing, site work and restoration, fill, drainage pipe laying, etc. Bidders will be responsible for the 3ccuracy of all fixed
<br />meaSlJrcmenls.
<br />
<br />TIle bidder' 5 quotation in response to the RFQ mllst contain each of the foilowing:
<br />. A detailed bre(Jkdown of the cost for the entjre project. .^,!! equiprllcnt quoted Sh31l be on ;] COITlpOlltOi basis, iisting c3ch
<br />component p3r1 number and current component MSRP. Descriptions of 3ddilional services required, together with their price,
<br />shall also be listed, such as freight charges, sidewalk and/or concrete work, site clearing, site work and restoration, fill, dr3inage
<br />pipe laying, borders, etc.
<br />
<br />. Names of any and all subcontractors on the project, together with their designated work and costs. It is undcrstood the bidder
<br />remains responsible for project completion and acceptance by the City. The City reserves the right to reject any quotation in
<br />response to an RFQ ifsaid quotation names a subcontractor who has, in the sole opinion oflhe City, previously failed in the
<br />proper perforrn3nce of an award or failed to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature, or who is not in a position 10 perfOn1l
<br />properly under this award.
<br />