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(07-07-03) Prof. Eng. Consult for Collins Avenue Streetscape
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Last modified
7/16/2010 4:24:00 PM
Creation date
8/15/2008 1:48:16 PM
Project Name
Prof. Eng. Consult for Collins Avenue Streetscape
Bid No. (xx-xx-xx)
Project Type (Bid, RFP, RFQ)
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<br />property, what value is he getting. If you show value, etc. it will make everything a <br />lot easier for the City and for the property owner realizing that his property is <br />getting an enhancement that he doesn't currently have. So, that is where the main <br />economic issue is and that is where the study that we need to have to show the value. <br /> <br />Q: So this is just a study, this is not construction items? <br />A: No, it is a plan. We were just talking about the study what you do and than we can <br />go to the next step and say this Plan is acceptable, begin the construction documents. <br />We want you to be prepared to take this from beginning to end. We may choose <br />phases, but your scope and your response is to indicate how you would take it from <br />beginning to end. <br /> <br />Q: Do you have deadlines for when construction has to start, financial support, <br />grants, etc.? <br />A: No, the guiding factor in this case is how quickly we can get a plan that everyone <br />agrees on. <br /> <br />Although the emphasis is on the west side, we would like to see what could be done to <br />the 1 O-foot easements on the east side that we could create, especially since we have <br />that right now and we might be able to start on the east side before the west side. <br /> <br />Q: What about the Ramada on the east side, it sets close to the road? <br />A: Some of them do, that is the sad part, we are going to have to wait for them to get <br />redeveloped, as well as the Golden Strand across the street. <br /> <br />For clarification, your job is not to worry about whether or not we have an easement <br />there right now, your job is to give us a plan, and our job is to go get those pockets of <br />easements that we don't have. If we have a really well developed viable plan, then <br />we can go to these remaining pockets and say here is the plan, we are starting <br />construction next week on areas that we have easements, here is what you need to do, <br />and then we plan to go forward. That is not your concern, your concern is, what is <br />the vision, how can we make something that works for this community within those <br />limited physical parameters that will take us from one City limit to the other. At the <br />moment, you don't need to worry about the financing other then what are your <br />recommendations and what are your great creative ideas to help us in that process. <br /> <br />We will email to eve/yone the minutes, sign-in sheet, selection criteria, and the old <br />Plan. <br /> <br />4. ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at II :00 a.m. <br /> <br />Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes RFQ 07-07-033 <br /> <br />Page 5 of 5 <br />
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