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<br />Rule 7. Use of vehicles <br /> <br />(a) No Operator of a vehicle shall tow another vehicle or wheeled device on park roads <br />except when necessary to remove a disabled vehicle. <br />(b) No vehicles except those authorized by the Department to carry passengers for hire or <br />fare will be permitted to so operate in the parks and these vehicles will be the only ones <br />that pedestrians may bail or make prior arrangements for rides. <br />(c) No person shall change any partst repair, wash, grease, wax, polish or clean a vehicle <br />on any park roadway, parkway, driveway, parking lot or other park property. <br />(d) No person shall operate a four wheel~ motorized go-cart on any park roadway, <br />parkway, driveway, parking lot or other park property. The provisions of this <br />subsection sball not apply to golf carts or vehicles designated primarily for use by <br />individuals with disabilities or in areas specifically desir-ted for such use. <br /> <br />Section 4. <br /> <br />Park Propertv <br /> <br />Ruk 8. Preservation of Property <br /> <br />As all property in all City parks is owned by the city, and no person entering or being upon <br />park property or areas operated and maintained by the Department shall: <br /> <br />(a) Destroy, damage or remove real property or improvements thereto, or movable or <br />personal property, belonging to the City of Sunny Isles Beach. <br />(b) Throw or deposit, or permit to be deposited or scattered upon any side~ alley, street <br />or public passageway, or upon any public or private property, any waste or other <br />material of any kind. <br />(c) Tamper or meddle with or alter the condition of any meter, valve or meter <br />identification, or other part of such system in the City of Sunny Isles Beach, or <br />appliance connected thereto in such manner as to cause loss or damage to the owner of <br />such facilities or the users thereof, or to create a hazard to life of property. <br />(d) Tamper with, injure, deface, destroy or remove any si8Dt notice, marker, fire alarm <br />boxt fireplug, topographical survey monument, or any other personal property erected <br />or placed by the City of Sunny Isles Beach. <br />(e) Move, disturb, or take any earth, stone or other material from any public street, alley, <br />park. or other public ground. <br />(f) Make any excavation by toolt equipment, blasting or other means or shall construct or <br />erect any building or structure of whatever kind, whether pennanent or temporary, or <br />run or string any public utility into, upon, across or over any park or recreation lands <br />unless authorized by permit or easement. <br />(g) Write, paint, or draw any inscription, figure, or mark of any type on any public or <br />private building or structure or other real or personal property, owned, operated, or <br />maintained by the City of Sunny Isles Beach. <br />(h) Stand, sit or lay on any fence rail or any other structure not intended for such use in any <br />park. <br />(i) V ende-Hze, deface or destroy any park property or equipment within a park site. <br /> <br />02002- P8rb Rules and Rcp <br /> <br />4 <br />