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<br />(j) Damage or remove plants or plant materials, trees or parts thereof or any flowers, nuts, <br />seeds, or fruits whatsoever, except that park personnel may be empowered to make <br />such removals and scientists and students of botany may be issued special permission <br />in writing for specimen collecting by the Department Director or his/her designee. <br />(k) Build, light or cause to be lighted, any fire upon the ground or beach or other object in <br />any area within a City Park without the express written consent of the Department <br />Director. Such authorized fires shall not be built or lighted except in an approved grill, <br />stove, fireplace or other suitable container, nor shall any person starting a fire leave the <br />area without extinguishing the fire. No person shall use a grill or other device in such a <br />manner as to burn, char, mar or blemish any bench, table, or other object of park <br />property. Nor shall any person drop, throw or permit to be scattered by any means, hot <br />coals, lighted matches, burning tobacco products or any other flammable material <br />within any park or area or any highway, road or street abutting or contiguous thereto. <br /> <br />Rule 9. Protection and preservation of wildlife <br /> <br />(a) No person shall molest, harm, frighten, kill, net, trap, snare, hunt, chase, shoot or <br />throw or propel by any means missiles at any wildlife roaming free about a park or <br />in captivity, nor shall any person remove or possess the young of any wild animal or <br />the nest or eggs of any reptile or bird. This provision is not intended to limit any <br />program for the purpose of control of nuisance wildlife as set forth in Rule No. 10 <br />below. <br />(b) No person shall feed any animals in or on park property. <br />(c) No person shall place, dump, abandon or leave any animal, reptile or bird, either <br />wild or domestic on the grounds of any park. <br />(d) All State and Local Animal Control Laws and Ordinances shall be enforceable <br />within all City parks as applicable and/or as specified herein. <br /> <br />Rule 10. Control of Nuisance Animals <br /> <br />(a) Definitions. When used in this rule the following terms shall have the <br />meanings set forth below: <br /> <br />(1) Exotic Animal: A non-native animal species that occurs in South Florida, <br />as a result of direct or indirect, deliberate or accidental actions by humans, <br />which shall include, but not be limited to, all domestic, semi-domestic or <br />feral animals. <br />(2) Native Animal: An animal species that occurs naturally in or is indigenous <br />to South Florida. <br />(b) The introduction by any person of any exotic animal and the placement, <br />abandonment or leaving of any animal in a City park or in public areas <br />immediately adjacent to a City park is strictly forbidden. <br />(c) The feeding by any person of any exotic or native animal in a City park or in <br />the public areas immediately adjacent to a city park is hereby strictly <br />forbidden unless specifically authorized by the Department Director. <br /> <br />02002- Parks Rules and Regs <br /> <br />5 <br />