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Ordinance 2005-230
City Clerk
Ordinance 2005-230
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Last modified
8/6/2013 2:50:59 PM
Creation date
1/25/2006 4:41:12 PM
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Amd Ord. 2004-218: Amend Sec. 265-23 of the LDRs, re: TDRs.
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<br />anything to the cOFltrary, the property owner conveying the approyed Sender Site <br />shall have up to five (5) years to litilize such de'ielopment rights iFl aecordaFlee with <br />Section 3 c. (5) hereiFlabove. It is linderstood that the development rights to be <br />transferred to a receiving site shall be approyed by the City Commission through the <br />site plan approval process as specified herein and as otherwise proyided in this <br />Section 265 23. <br /> <br />2. No Receiver Site, or site plan on that Receiyer Site, may be approyed by <br />the City Commission ooless a Sender Site has been first been identified and approved <br />by the City Commission, or the o....mer of the Receiver Site commits to purchase <br />TDRs from the City iFl accordance with SeetioFl 265 23.1 above, or the o",mer of the <br />Receiver Site commits to purchase TDRs already deposited in the TDR Bank from a <br />pri'iately owned Sender Site. The formal approval by the City Commission of the <br />transfer of the TDRs ':;nether from a privately owned Sender Site, City ovmed TDRs <br />or TDRs from a privately ovmed Sender Site, already deposited in the TDR Bank, <br />shall occur simultaneously ',vith the approval of the Receiver Site's site plan although <br />the actual transfer may occur later but iFl no event may a bliildiFlg permit on the <br />Recei'.'er Site issue until sueh traFlsfer has acrnally oeeurred and been doeumel'lted as <br />pro'/ided hereinbelo'.v. <br /> <br />doc. _Cost of Transferable Development Rights Issued by Private <br />Owners From Privately Owned Sender Sites.:f <br /> <br />The price of TDRs from approved privately:-owned Sender Sites shall <br />be determined by the private owners. <br /> <br />5.Seetion 265 23.5 <br /> <br />a. De~/elopment Limitations Upon Reeeiving Sites. <br /> <br />(i) 'Nithin the Reeeiving Districts, development rights shall be limited by a <br />combiaation of the l:lFlderlying zOFling regulations, approved bonuses aFld <br />allowable de'ielopment rights transferable to the land in the Receiving <br />Districts. Notv/ithstanding aFlything to the contrary, and in aceordance with <br />the Comprehel'lsive Plan, neither the transferable density or intensity of <br />permitted uses shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the maximlim <br />residential density permitted Ol'l the Receiver Site and in FlO case shall the <br />resulting density bOffils increases on any given Receiver Site exceed the <br />number of dwelliRg units attaiFlable on the Sender Site(s) under these plan <br />pro'/isions so as to aSSlire RO net iFlcrease in City wide residential dV/elling <br />unit Comprehensive Plan eapacities. Furthermore, the maximum amount of <br />undeveloped floor area that may be transferred from a Sender Site to a site <br />within the Receiving District shall not exceed (30%) of the receiving site <br />based on the base floor area ratio plus bonuses allo'Nable at the time of the <br />LaRd De'.'elopmeFlt Regulations in effect at the time of application. <br /> <br />02004218 Ama TORs See. 265 23U:\Citv Clerk\Ordinances\Orafts\Oraft 02005- TOR Amend 02004-218 Marked 10 <br />2nd Rdg.docU:'u'\TTORNEY\:\ssieflments\2005\A05 Reyisions to Orainanee ~Je 2001 218 (TOR Or<linaneel\w02 <br />TORamenaedordinianee eaanges 5 9 OS SRelley.doeC:\Ooetlments and Settinl!:s\snelley\Leeal Settings\Tsnworary <br />Internet Files\OLK98\w02 TORamendeaordinianee eRangeS 5 9 QS.docU:\.'\TTORNEY\f.ssigHHlents\200S'u'\OS <br />Revisions to Orainance No 2001 218 (TOR Orainaneel\w02 TORiiffisndedordinianee eflanees ENW S S <br />05.doeC:\Ooeuments and Settings\Homel '-My OOCl:Il1'H"flts\Shelley\TORamendedorainiance eRanges.aoe <br />
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