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<br />(ii) Parking and all other req1:1ireme1'1ts of the LDRs shall be required in <br />accorda1'1ce with any additio1'1al density acquired throligfl the transfer of <br />development rights. If a property O'.vner of a Receiver Site avails itself of the <br />parking bay down provided in Seetion 265 16A(2) (b), that calcliIatio1'1 shall <br />be made 01'1 the base zoni1'1g plus bonuses but shall 1'1Ot inelude TDRs. <br /> <br />(iii) }JI TDR's purchased or transf'8rred shall be used '.vithin 21 months from the <br />date of rendition of the authorizing City Commission resolution, or all such <br />TDR's shall thereafter be fully extinguished and there shall be no refunds <br />from the City. <br /> <br />(iy) The transfer of deyelopment rights to a receIvmg site '.vill not decrease <br />required open space, buff-ers, setbacks or cause a request for yariances or any <br />other adverse impact to surrounding site or increase allowable height, if <br />applicable. <br /> <br />(,,') No property upon v,'hich a prior zoning appro';al was granted may apply for <br />transferable development rights l:lflless a site plan application is made for the <br />entire site. <br /> <br />(vi) In no eyent shall a site plan on a Receiyer Site be approyed with any structure <br />exceeding 550 feet stories in height. <br /> <br />5.Section 265 23.6 <br /> <br />Land Ineligible for Consideration as Receiving Sites. <br /> <br />No transferable de','elopment rights shall be assigned or transferred to any <br />land outside the Tov,'n Center, Business District abutting Collins ^ venue and <br />the Mixed Use High Density resort zoning districts'! or for any land \vhich has <br />received a density or floor area variance. <br /> <br />7. Section 265-23.+-6~ <br /> <br />Procedures Pertaining to the Approval of Development Rights For Use on <br />a Potential Receiving Site. <br /> <br />a. Application:...-.----No Receiver Site, or site plan on that Receiver Site, <br />may be approved by the City Commission unless a Sender Site has <br />been first been identified and approved by the City Commission, and <br />(n ef the owner of the Receiver Site commits to purchase TDRs from <br />the City in accordance with Section 265-23.4(b) above, or (ii) the <br />owner of the Receiver Site commits to purchase TDRs already <br />deposited in the TDR Bank from a privately--owned Sender Site. The <br />formal approval by the City Commission of the transfer of the TDRs <br /> <br />02004 218 TDRs See. 265 23U:\Citv Clerk\Ordinances\Drafts\Draft 02005- TDR Amend 02004-218 Marked 11 <br />2nd Rdg.docU:\u^.TTORNEY\"^.ssi~meHts\2005\<^.05 Revisi8ns to Orainance 1'18 2004218 (TDR Orainancel\w02 <br />TDRameHaeaordiHianee eaanges 5 9 05 Saellev.doeC:\DoclImeHts and Settings\saelley\L8eal SettiHl!:s\Teffiflorary <br />Internet Files\OLK98\w02 TDRamenaeaordiniaflee eaaHgeS 5 9 05.docU:\u'\TTORNEY\,^.ssil!:nments\2005\A05 <br />Revisions to Offiiaaace No 2004 218 (TDR Oraiaancel\w02 TDRamendeaeraiaiaHce CRangeS EN'}! 5 5 <br />05.ElecC:\Deeumems anEl Settings\Home 1 \My Doe\Hll.ents\Saelley\TDR-ameHdedordiniance cflans:es.doc <br />